Have Obsidian Just Changed the Game?

Spatial Thinking is the Future

Neil Hawkesford


A surreal and futuristic image of strange shaped balls hanging in the sky over a desert. There are two figures in arab robes walking beneath them
Image from FreePik

Obsidian made a big announcement on March 11th. If you missed it, read on. It may just change the way you work.

In my previous articles about starting with PKM, I’ve discussed managing information. Now, I want to focus on a method I often use: freeform thinking. A whiteboard or mind-mapping tool is ideal for this. For years, I’ve been a fan of an app called Scapple, made by Literature & Latte, well known for the writing app Scrivener. However, Scapples’ lack of mobile support and stand-alone structure has limited my usage.

Initially, I began using Heptabase’s whiteboard, which I’ve mentioned before. It’s a brilliant tool in many ways and I still use it from time to time, but it can be clunky. Having used a similar app called Scrintal before, I found Heptabase to be better, but still not quite perfect. Both apps need more development.

Then I discovered Obsidian Canvas. I know many people use Obsidian for PKM, but I’m not sure how many fully utilise the Canvas feature. I’m actually using it to write this article.

Screenshot by the Author

