Chinelo francisca
3 min readOct 18, 2017

“Did you kill her?” Kosiso’s voice was firm, his eyes spitting a rage his ordinary mind could not muster.
General Ojichukwu remained silent, his silence spoke more volumes than many words could utter, but Kosiso wanted an answer, he needed an answer to the many questions that bothered his mind. His confusion seemed to choke the life out of his form.
“Did you kill her?” His voice was stronger and daring.
“She was a small price to pay.” General Ojichukwu responded quietly. His countenance was of a man in deep consideration of his years.
The answer hit Kosiso in many ways than one. It was an expected yet unwelcomed answer, he doubled back, his knees buckled, gave way and hit the floor.
“How could do?” His voice gave away the emotions that had suddenly bubbled up to the surface.
“Don’t mourn her, she didn’t love you.”
“How dare you!” Kosiso sprang on his feet and charged towards this man he and his family had considered family for years.
“She was sleeping with your father.” Ojichukwu’s words dropped like a missile stopping him in mid air. Kosiso retreated, lost his balance, and collapsed into a plastic chair.
The revelation weakened him, though he had long known of his father’s sexual escapades and lack of self-control but believing that he would change was as Jesus had said, ‘it would be easier for a Carmel to pass through a needle eye’. In other words impossible. But why would he believe a murderer over his murdered girlfriend? The dead didn’t speak so it was easy to accuse her since she couldn’t defend herself.
“You can confront your father and ask him.” Ojichukwu said as if he had read his thoughts.
“And Kim?”
“The freaking woman was putting her nose in what was way above her.” Ojichukwu spat in disgust.
“She was my friend! The only one who believed me. The only one who saw beyond the guilt everyone had tagged me with!” He said through clenched teeth, his anger was rising once again.
“My son…”
“I am not your son!” Kosiso spat back, shutting him up and pulling himself off the chair. “Your son is that freaking drug addict sitting in the government house and milking the citizens of their labour on my father’s influence!” his words cut through him like swords attached to his heart and aimed at anyone who came in contact with him.
Ojichukwu’s face was the sight of a man who had just been struck by an unexpected whack. He hadn’t set out to hurt Kosiso, in truth, he considered the young lad as his own son and there was not a day he didn’t wish he was his son instead of Okechukwu, but his deeds had become too big infact too much to escape from and one evil just led to another.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you…”
“Yet here we are!” Kosiso screamed in his face. “Here we are.” his voice was now in a menacing whisper.
“You took away the lives of people I cared about. You blackmailed my father to give your hopeless, never to do well son a position in the government house… and you didn’t mean to hurt me? For years I lived in the guilt that I killed Irene, all for what? So that that worthless child of yours could have a better life?”
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Chinelo francisca

Imaginations make my mind go wild…books, stories, articles…read me and I would make your thoughts go beyond you