How to Save Time by Meal Prepping

4 min readJun 12, 2018


Why and how to meal prep so you can save time and money while enjoying your meals!

We’ve all been there. You had a long day at work and the last thing you want to do is drive to the grocery store, get a bunch of food, then go home and make it all, so you opt for the quick and easy fast food option, instead. Time and convenience are the top reason why people choose fast food over a home cooked meal, but, after a while, your health will start to show the results of your unhealthy habits.

What if you could have a healthy home cooked meal ready within minutes of walking in the door? Simple. Just get a personal chef! We’re kidding, but meal prepping is the next best thing!

What is Meal Prepping?

Meal prepping is simply preparing your meals ahead of time so they’re ready to go whenever you want them. It’s like a TV dinner. But rather than being filled with preservatives, they’re made with wholesome, unprocessed ingredients that fit your wants and needs.

While you do have to set aside time to prep your meals, you get to do so on your time, which means no post-work grocery store runs and late night kitchen clean-ups. Prep your meals in advance, store them in your fridge, and voila!

How to Get Started Meal Prepping

Here’s a few tips to help you get the ball rolling on your new meal prepping plan!

Meal Prep Days

First thing’s first, pick a couple days a week to prepare your meals. Sunday and Wednesday are the most popular. You can buy your groceries over the weekend, make your first few meals, then mid-week, make the rest.

It’s important to make sure your meals are fresh and packed with nutrients, so you only want to prep a few days’ worth at a time.

Keep it Simple

Before you jump into all of these extravagant meals, stick with what you know. Start with grilled chicken and steamed vegetables, or ground turkey with whole wheat pasta and marinara sauce.

Prep foods you know you’ll look forward to digging into on your lunch break or at the end of a long work day. It will make the process much more enjoyable!

Fit your Macros

Before you start cooking, think about how you want to balance your meals. For example, if you follow a low carb lifestyle, measure out one serving of quinoa or sprouted grains. Or if you enjoy a plant-based diet, remember to include different types of veggies to get protein, carbs, and healthy fats.

Getting a small kitchen scale can also help you to weigh out your proportion sizes.

Benefits of Meal Prepping

The benefits of meal prepping are many, and can impact multiple areas of your life.

Can Help You Save Money

When you’re prepping your meals at home, you’re avoiding those late night fast food runs, or the overpriced delivery orders at lunch, which add up way too quickly!

Can Help You Live a Healthier Lifestyle

When you prep, you know exactly what goes into your meals. Many restaurants cook with dozens of unnecessary hydrogenated oils and fats, adding unknown calories to your meal.

Can Help Save You Time

A couple extra hours on your Sunday afternoon cooking can help you save time during the week when you already have so many other things on your plate. (Pun intended!)

Can Help with Weight and Portion Control

By preparing your own meals, you can ensure you’re getting the right proportions of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and carbs needed for your personal health.

Everyone is different, and restaurants aren’t going to cater to your specific needs. Only you can do that! See the photo below for portion recommendations for a wholesome and well-balanced meal.

There’s no better feeling than waking up with a delicious meal ready to go, or walking in the door after a long day at work and not having to spend another hour in the kitchen cooking. So, are you ready to give it a go? Here are some quick and easy recipes to help you get started!




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