Will genetic testing answer what supplements you should take?

3 min readMay 8, 2018


Taking daily supplements can be an easy way to stay on top of your health goals, but knowing which supplements to take is the hard part. New studies show that genetic testing could be the answer to helping discover the best supplements to take for your health needs.

An article from NBC news shares, “Scientists already know that variations in our genes determine how well our bodies metabolize certain compounds… Companies now want to take the buzz over DNA testing one step further and market the tests as a way to determine how people’s bodies handle nutrients,” and that’s exactly what new genetic testing can do.

There are multiple DNA testing services, but a few have recently hit the market and are all the rave.

Popular genetic testing companies


23andMe is an ancestry and genetic testing service that can determine genetic health risks. This test includes a saliva collection kit, which you spit in, register online, and send back to get your results. Once you receive your results, you can determine how your body uniquely functions and what types of support may be beneficial for you.

Their Health and Ancestry panel is $199


Nutrigenomix is another personalized nutrition assessment that helps you eat according to your genes. The test is designed to help make recommendations for individuals’ daily intake of sodium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, and even caffeine.

Their Health and Wellness and Athletic Performance panels are available through your healthcare provider, and costs vary depending on your insurance coverage.


Habit, an Oakland, CA based nutrition company has also launched their own at-home DNA testing kit, which includes DNA cheek swabs, three finger-prick blood tests, and a special 950 calorie metabolic shake you take previous to completing the tests. It’s used to show how your body metabolizes large amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which provides you with personalized nutritional support tailored to your needs.

Habit Core is $299, but if you have DNA results from 23andMe or AncestryDNA, you save $100. Habit Ally costs $379, and includes a 4-week guided program. This plan also includes the previous DNA testing discount.

Veritas Genetics

Veritas Genetics is a genome sequencing test that provides you insights on over 100 inherited diseases, and a screening test for 26 genes. You’ll receive a detailed report, recommendations to discuss with a professional, and a follow up with a genetic counselor.

This researched-backed company’s Health & Lifespan Longevity testing provides “pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants identified in your genome, as well as pharmacogenomics and 70+ selected lifestyle trait variants.” This means you’ll receive data on how your body operates, which can inform lifestyle changes to promote a healthy future.

Why genetic testing may support your daily life

So, how does knowing your genetic makeup help you in the long run? Your lab results and body metrics will give you a better insight on what your body needs more of, can do without, and what you can do to help prevent potential diseases and other health risks.

For example, Habit will create a personalized nutrition planned based on your results that you can access 24/7 online or via the Habit app. That way, healthy suggestions and alternatives are always available at the touch of your fingertips. You can also work with a certified nutritionist for added support.

If you would like to receive the testing through your healthcare provider, Veritas Genetics will provide you with a full pharmacogenomics (PGx) report explaining your genetically-influenced response to certain medications, as well as lifestyle attributes for things like athleticism and metabolism.

Once you know this information, you can fine tune your nutrition, exercise and supplement routine for improved support.

Knowing your genetic makeup may be a relatively new way to better assess the kinds of vitamins and supplements your body needs, but as it continues to evolve there will be more support for those wanting to live a healthy lifestyle. Whether you choose to modify your diet for optimal energy and support and make more informed supplement purchases or prefer to pick and choose, these tests may just help you live your life to the fullest.




NeoCell is the #1 collagen brand in the world and a leader in the field of nutritional science. www.neocell.com