Ask Us Anything Summary

Listen to our 2nd Twitter Space!

Neon Link
2 min readMar 3, 2023

We’d like to thank all those who attended and submitted questions for our Ask Us Anything (AUA) session we held yesterday, on Twitter spaces. Over 12.5k people tuned in over the hour! If you missed it, fret not frens.

You can listen to the recording of the Twitter Space by clicking here.


We’ve provided an overview of the AUA with timestamps. While we appreciate it is an hour long, with these timestamps, you can forward the recording to any question you find interesting to listen to our response:

▶️2:30 — Greetings & General information about the project.

▶️4:00 — What we have achieved in recent weeks.

▶️5:00 — Do you use AI in the development of the network?

▶️6:20 — Is the wallet safe from being hacked?

▶️8:10 — How are you going to ensure the security of the project?

▶️10:15 — What is the advantage of being an early investor?

▶️14:20 — What will make your games actually FUN to play?

▶️18:50 — Will I get an NFT if the total amount of several purchases is $100?

▶️22:00 — How to secure a whitelist spot?

▶️23:10 — What steps have been taken to prevent labelling by SEC?

▶️28:20 — What exchanges are you planning to be listed on?

▶️31:00 — Is there any other way to be whitelisted for the NFT drop if I haven’t bought $100 worth of NEON?

▶️32:20 — Have you discussed the possibility of other developers’ games’ release on Neon network?

▶️36:30 — What are the benefits of owning the Neon Punks NFT Collection?

▶️39:40 — More information about the SDK (Software Development Kit).

▶️42:30 — What are the features of your games distinguishing them from other projects?

▶️53:40 — How are you going to convince investors to hold the token at a launch?

▶️58:20 — Farewell.

If you’ve enjoyed this AUA, please don’t forget to share it with your friends! 😉🔥

WL Spot Rewards

We’re pleased to share that the following people have earned whitelist spots for our upcoming Neon Punk mint.





Please do not be disheartened if you submitted a question and didn’t win! There will be many more opportunities as we get closer to the mint. For this instance, these 4 Neonites stood out to us in their participation through questions and general interactivity across our channels over the past week.

Thank you and stay tuned for many more opportunities.



Neon Link

Neon Link unlocks the potential of blockchain, NFT and web3 games! Launching 2023 with 3 games!