How to Fix the 404 Error Adding a YouTube Handle to Facebook

Neranjan Ilukthenna
3 min readDec 13, 2023


Experiencing a 404 error when trying to link your YouTube channel to your Facebook profile or page can be frustrating. This common issue hinders content creators and social media users from integrating their digital presence across platforms. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution for How to Fix the 404 Error Adding a YouTube Handle to Facebook, and this article will guide you through the process of resolving this error.

Understanding the Issue

When adding a YouTube handle to the intro section of your Facebook profile or page, users often encounter a 404 error. This error typically occurs when the platform fails to recognize the YouTube URL or handle, leading to a broken link.

Steps to Resolve the 404 Error

Access Your Facebook Edit Details Page

Begin by navigating to your Facebook page or profile. Click on the ‘Edit Details‘ section to access the areas where you can add your website and social links.

Initial Attempt

You might have already tried adding your YouTube channel’s username in the designated section. Despite being correct, this often leads to the 404 error when clicked.

Changing the Approach

Instead of using the standard channel URL or username, a small tweak is required. Remove any existing YouTube URL or username.

The Solution: Adding ‘+@’ Prefix

The trick lies in adding ‘+@’ before your YouTube channel’s username. This format allows Facebook to correctly recognize and link to your YouTube channel.

Saving and Testing

After making this change, save the details and test the link. Go back to your Facebook intro section and click on the newly added YouTube link. It should now redirect correctly to your YouTube channel without the 404 error.

Why This Solution Works

The ‘+@’ prefix helps Facebook parse the link as a valid address, bypassing the glitch that causes the 404 error. This method has been tested and worked successfully for many users facing similar issues.


Linking your YouTube channel to your Facebook page or profile should be a seamless process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily overcome the 404 error, ensuring your audience on Facebook can directly access your YouTube content. If you encounter further issues or if this solution doesn’t work, it might be due to other technical reasons, and exploring additional troubleshooting steps or seeking help from the Facebook support team would be advisable.



Neranjan Ilukthenna

Web Developer & Content Creator. With an HNDIT and a BSc in Software Engineering, I blend creativity with technical expertise to innovate in the digital realm.