Avengers are no longer in the MCU… For now

Avengers have DISASSEMBLED, until Disney say so…

3 min readNov 9, 2019
Avengers Assembled | Endgame | Marvel Studios

Avengers Endgame was the wrap-up point of the first three phases, and the main saga. Since its release we’ve been given a range of characters that will join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including The Eternals, Fantastic Four and even a reboot of Blade.

Since Endgame we haven’t seen any updates of the Avengers assembling again within the future or any of their characters, apart from Spider-Man; but he’s generally trying to avoid this whole lifestyle all together.

We know that in phase 4 we’re receiving a whole range of new and known characters, but nothing has been shown for a future Avengers team or a potential setup for future Avengers events. Fans wonder what the future might look like without an Avengers defending the world.

Spider-Man — Civil War — Marvel Studios

In a recent Investors’ call, Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, has stated:

“In Marvel’s case, I’m calling it the post-Avengers world,”

Within all past phases of the MCU, we’ve seen at least a single Avengers movie or a large scale…

