Colonoscopy 101

Nerima Roberts
2 min readFeb 9, 2015


Let’s talk poop

Six years ago I turned 50. Here in the United States, it’s sort of a rite of passage to get your first colonoscopy at age 50. I got it done without a hitch. Everything came out just fine (pun intended) and I got a clean bill of health.

Two years later my mom was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer.

Now I’m 56 and because of my family history, I get to experience the joys of colonoscopy every FIVE years, instead of every TEN years. I’m cool with that. I believe in being proactive.

So today I’m prepping for tomorrow’s colonoscopy: I’m on a funky liquid laxative diet, and tomorrow the doctor gets the privilege of looking up my assets.

I love Gatorade, but not like this.

I’m surprised how many people I personally know who avoid getting a colonoscopy. It’s really not bad at all. The day-before laxative prepping is not pleasant, but you can use it as a stay-home day. Really. You slow down, stay home, and watch TV. Or catch up on some blogging. I am treating myself to some very nice green tea, and organic chicken broth.

Tomorrow I go see my doc. The actual procedure is pain free. You go under some anesthesia, and when you wake up, you can rest assured you are clean as a whistle.

I’m going to use this as an opportunity to go on a 2-day detox diet. I’ll just drink some broth, tea, and some nice juices.

I ask my fellow BabyBoomers: Have you gone for your first colonoscopy? If not, what are you waiting for?



Nerima Roberts

Young BabyBoomer who reads, runs and drinks coffee. I traveled to India and I have not been the same since! Om Namaste