📚 Tutorial — Connect/Generate a CKB Address to Receive the Nervape Gear Drop! 🎒💧

5 min readMay 29, 2024


Generate a CKB address now on our website: https://www.nervape.com

As you saw from our last post of the Nervape Gear Drop Timeline, today (Wed. May 29th, 10AM UTC+8) we’ve launched our application to generate a CKB address! You will need this CKB address to receive the gear from the Nervape Gear Drops happening on June 7th and June 14th.

Before we start, here are some key points:

  1. All wallets, including JoyID, need to manually connect/generate a CKB address using our website tool (website -> https://www.nervape.com).
  2. If there are multiple Nervapes in one wallet (a single BTC address), there is no need to disperse the Nervapes into different wallets (different BTC addresses). All Nervape Gear for the Nervapes will be airdropped together to that wallet (a single BTC address).

6/11/2024 UPDATE: Here’s video version of the tutorial that you can follow along with (Mandarin subtitles 中文字幕).

Step 1 (a, b, c): Connecting Your Wallet

Step 1a: Go to https://www.nervape.com and click on the wallet CONNECT button on the upper right of the website.

Step 1b: Connect the BTC wallet you use to hold your Nervape, so either a JoyID / OKX / UniSat wallet.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR JOYID USERS: Each JoyID Account comes with two BTC addresses, Taproot and Native SegWit. Be sure to login with the BTC address that holds your Nervape! So if your Nervape is on a JoyID Taproot BTC address, login with JoyID (Taproot). If your Nervape is on JoyID Native SegWit address, login with JoyID (Native SegWit). If you connect a JoyID address that has no Nervape, even if it is the same JoyID Account and connected a CKB address, you will not receive gear. Be sure to connect the BTC address that has a Nervape present!

Step 1c: Click on the wallet button again and in the dropdown menu, select “My Nervape Assets.” You’re now inside the Nervape website wallet!

Step 2: Connect / Generate a CKB Address

JoyID: If you connect your JoyID wallet, under the “INVENTORY ADDRESS” section, it will ask you to “Connect a JoyID CKB address for your Nervape to receive Nervape Gear drops” and display an orange CONNECT button. Please click CONNECT.

The display if you connect an OKX wallet.

OKX / UniSat: If you connect an OKX or UniSat wallet, it will ask “Generate an inventory address for your Nervape to receive Nervape Gear drops” and display an orange GENERATE button. Please click GENERATE.

Step 3: Signature Requests

JoyID Users: It will display a series of confirmation screens to verify that you’re connecting the JoyID CKB address with the BTC address you signed in with. Make sure it’s in the same account (see below). If everything looks ok, please click “Confirm.”

If you have multiple JoyID accounts and you accidentally select a CKB address that does not belong to the same BTC address you signed in with, the above “Account Mismatch” error message will display. Please click TRY AGAIN and when confirming signatures, be sure to select the correct JoyID account.

OKX and UniSat Users: The signature request window will look like the images above(OKX left, UniSat right). It will ask “Connect this CKB Address as the Inventory Address for: bc…” and then display the BTC address you logged in with. If it looks ok, please click Confirm / Sign.

Step 4: Confirm You Got Your CKB Address

You should now be returned to the My Nervape Assets page. Check under INVENTORY ADDRESS, it should display a CKB address starting with “ckb”. Is it there? If yes, congratulations! You’ve successfully generated a CKB address for this BTC address!

As long as you keep your Nervape in this BTC address during the snapshot on June 5th, 10AM UTC+8 and during the Nervape Gear Drop Round 1 on June 7th, 10AM UTC+8, you will get the first round of Nervape Gear assets! ALSO: Be sure to hold a Nervape at this BTC address during the snapshot on June 12th, 10AM UTC+8 (June 11th, 10PM ET) to receive the second round of Nervape Gear on June 14th, 10AM UTC+8 (June 13th, 10PM ET)!

If you have any questions, be sure to open a ticket in our Discord and follow us on X for the latest updates. No Nervape yet? Get one before you miss out on the drop (links below)!

Can’t wait to see what gear all the Nervapes get!

