Verifications Explained

Nestor Alpha
4 min readAug 19, 2022


We collect and verify a selection of information provided by the team members. Some of the information refers to the identity of the individuals launching the project, other information refers to the information about the ownership of the social media accounts connected with the project. The verification process helps establish a high level of trust and legitimacy regarding the identity and identify risk factors. Our verification procedures may not fully prevent identity theft, money laundering, financial fraud, terrorism financing, and other financial crimes, however, they could contribute to a criminal or financial investigation in a meaningful way.

The verification procedure we conduct does not present a legal or regulatory obligation. It is rather a good business practice and part of the due diligence process which provides a better understanding of investment objectives and reduces the risk from suspicious activities.

In a nutshell, our verification procedure presents a process of collecting and identifying who are the individuals and companies issuing the NFTs.

Obtaining detailed information about those worthy of an investment protects both parties in a business transaction and relationship. Our verification process is the cornerstone of our Legal Accountability System and plays a critical role in delivering exceptional service, preventing high risks, and combating fraud and other malicious activities.

Team Members

Identity: In case any of the team members would be involved in a fraudulent action or malicious activity, their identity presents the basic requirement for triggering a criminal or financial investigation as well as necessary legal action that could lead to adequate remedies.

Proof of Address: In some cases, the citizenship may not match the location at which a person resides. A proof of residency or address might contribute significantly to the investigation, litigations or other legal actions. If such processes are triggered, this information often turns out to be crucial for both parties, plaintiffs and defendants, as it allows for adequate participation in any legal procedure.

Personal Discord and Twitter: Information provided by individuals through their social accounts may be relevant and submitted as evidence in court. Provision of a correct handle can also be an important factor when one of the team members’ identity has been stolen and they have been impersonated.

Project Ownership and Control

Website, Twitter, and Discord Server: The owners of social accounts and website domains are the ones responsible for information provided to the public. In case of false or misleading information, the owners of such accounts or domains should be informed and perform immediate changes to remedy such a situation. Further, these verifications can potentially protect the owners in case of a hack, impersonation or other fraudulent actions.

Treasury Wallet: We require a verification of the Treasury Wallet to confirm those who have access and control over the project’s funds. Individuals accessing and managing the treasury wallet are the ones holding responsibility and liability for funds and transfers connected to that wallet address.

Mint Wallet: We require the information about the mint wallet as the owners of a mint wallet may be different from those accessing and managing the project’s Treasury Wallet. The individuals accessing and managing the Mint wallet further hold the responsibility and liability for minting, e.g. launching the NFTs, the meta-data linked to the NFTs, royalties and other NFT specific functionalities.

Company: Establishment of a company helps limit the liability of individuals to the liability held by the company. The verification of company’s information can further contribute significantly to the investigations, prosecutions and litigations as it allows the company legal representatives to be promptly informed about any such processes and defend themselves adequately.

NOTE: The verifications done during our vetting process are based on our internal policy and are subject to change. Our assessment of the projects will evolve along with the norms, regulations, and legal practices in the NFT space.



Nestor Alpha

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