What Is The Dirac Delta Function And How Is It Used In Neuroscience?

4 min readJan 17, 2023


The Dirac delta function, also known as the impulse function, is a mathematical function that is zero everywhere except at the origin, where it is infinitely large but has total integral equal to 1. It is used in various branches of mathematics, physics, and engineering to represent a point source or point charge. The delta function is often used as a mathematical tool to model various physical phenomena, such as the distribution of charge in a system or the response of a system to a impulse. It is a generalized function, not a function in the traditional sense.

The Dirac delta function is often represented using the symbol δ(x), and is defined mathematically as:

δ(x) = { 0 if x ≠ 0 ∞ if x = 0 }

The delta function can also be defined as the derivative of the step function, also known as the Heaviside function: H(x) = { 0 if x < 0 1 if x ≥ 0 } δ(x) = d/dx H(x)

The delta function is not a “regular” function in the sense that it cannot be evaluated at a single point, because it is infinite at x=0 and zero everywhere else. However, it can be integrated over a region, which is what makes it useful in physics and engineering.

One of the most common uses of the delta function is in the field of electrical engineering to represent a point charge. The electric potential created by a point charge q at a point r is given by the following equation: V(r) = (1/4πε)qδ(r)

where ε is the electric constant. The delta function in this equation represents the fact that the charge is concentrated at a single point in space.

In physics and engineering, the delta function is often used to represent a impulse or a “point-like” event. For example, in the study of control systems and mechanical vibrations, the impulse response of a system is represented using the delta function. The impulse response of a system to an impulse input is the reaction of the system at any point of time after the impulse input.

The delta function also finds a use in signal processing and communications, where it is used to represent a ideal impulse signal.

The dirac delta function is a mathematical representation of a point source or point charge, it is not a function in the traditional sense, but it is a mathematical tool that allows us to represent the effect of such point events in various fields such as physics, engineering, signal processing, etc.

The Dirac delta function is used in several areas of neuroscience to represent point-like events such as spikes or action potentials in neural signaling.

One of the most common uses of the delta function in neuroscience is in the study of spike trains, which are sequences of action potentials generated by neurons. The delta function is often used to represent the time of occurrence of an action potential, or spike, in a spike train.

For example, the spike train of a neuron can be represented as a sum of delta functions, each centered at the time of occurrence of an action potential: r(t) = ∑n δ(t-tn)

where tn is the time of the nth spike in the spike train.

Another use of the delta function in neuroscience is in the representation of synaptic inputs to a neuron. The synaptic current resulting from the arrival of a single neurotransmitter can be modeled as a delta function. For example, the synaptic current resulting from the arrival of an action potential at a synapse can be represented as: I(t) = wδ(t-t0)

where w is the synaptic weight and t0 is the time of the arrival of the action potential.

The delta function also finds use in the study of neural coding, where it is used to represent the instantaneous firing rate of a neuron.

In addition, the delta function is also used in the study of stochastic processes in neuroscience. For example, it is used to model the arrival time of spikes in a point process, which is a type of stochastic process that models events that occur at random times.

In summary, the Dirac delta function is used in neuroscience to represent point-like events, such as spikes or action potentials, and it is used in the representation of spike trains, synaptic inputs, instantaneous firing rate, and stochastic processes.




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