Affects of #MeToo

Never Alone Recovery
2 min readOct 12, 2018


About a year ago, our nation was introduced to a new social revolution. The #MeToo movement was sparked a world wide movement. The simple hashtag created rush in many different media outlets, but ultimately found it’s footing on social media.

Now, one year later the movement still has a domineering voice in culture. Guiding and directing many conversations. Through the movement, women have seen an increase in wages. Receiving fair pay for their work, and many men in Hollywood have found themselves on the other side of the law.

How did it start?

The genesis of this movement came when Hollywood exec Harvey Weinstein was the focus of an article in the New York Times. His harassment of women was made front and center. Afterwards, when Weinstein’s horrific acts were brought light it changed the course of our conversation regarding women.

Women of all creeds, races, and ethnicities were invigorated to speak out against harassment from men, as well as given a charge to empower others. But, there is another group of women that may have gotten overlooked. Women who are in addiction.

31 percent of women who faced harassment or assault have experienced anxiousness or depression. According to the National Institute on Drugs, people who experience some type of mood disorder are twice as likely to turn to substance abuse. Out of the women, who have come forward about being harassed or assaulted either on their job or in their home have a two fold problem on their hands. They have to deal with the harassment and abuse, as well as deal with a potential substance abuse problem.

Society is trying to deal with the first problem already; the harassment and assault. People are going to jail, as it should be. But there still lies the latter problem. Women have turned to substance abuse as a way to cope with the pain, confusion and hurt caused by their harasser.

We have to help these women find peace and clarity through the struggles that they’ve endured. We have to help them gain access to help; whether that’s help for assault and harassment, or help for addiction. Because both of those problems are major problems to have. And no one should ever feel as though they have to fight alone.



Never Alone Recovery

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