Dragon King and NEVERDIE Wallet Live

2 min readMay 24, 2018


NEVERDIE Crypto Gaming Wallet and Dragon King Live

Dragon King and the NEVERDIE Wallet are now Live. We would like to invite our community to try them out. We will keep an eye on our Discord channel for feedback as we gear up to go announce the launch to the public.

There are three Dragon King game modes with different minimum Eth values for the Dragons and Knights.

Hard Days Night offers the lowest entry level Dragons at 0.001 Eth, in this mode the Volcano erupts every 8 hrs.

Classic is the mid level game with entry level Dragons and Knights set at 0.01 Eth and Volcano eruptions every 24hrs.

Fires of Fury is for the Bold and Experienced players with the entry level set to 0.1 Eth.

Teleport tokens are essential for transporting Knights to the Battlefield, while NEVERDIE Coins will enable you to cast protection spells.

Balloons can be purchased for advertising purposes and can be protected up to six times. When Balloons are finally destroyed by the Volcano the Eth Value is distributed among the surviving Dragons and Knights providing a revenue stream to active players.

Balloons cannot be cashed out and Advertisers do not share in Eth distributed after the Eruptions. Advertisers bring liquidity to the game and increase the profit potential for players. The more players, the more incentive for advertisers to utilize Dragon King as a crypto marketing platform. So spread the word and lets get as many people playing as possible. Utilize NDC to protect your Dragons and keep your cost to play to a bare minimum and maximize your profit potential.

You may also employ Knights to hunt your opponents Dragons and perhaps increase your chances to earn a greater share of the loot. Be sure to protect your Knights with NDC before you teleport them to the battlefield in case they encounter a Dragon Bigger than themselves.. Knights can be commanded to fight once per eruption.

Read the rules carefully and develop strategies to capitalize on the Eth distributed after each eruption. Unprotected Dragons and Knights will share their wealth if destroyed.

New Features and new characters are currently in development which will provide players with more strategic game play options, including the ability to accelerate eruptions.

Stay tuned for further announcements…




The latest news and developments relating to the NEVERDIE ecosystem, including Teleport token, visit NEVERDIE.com to find out more!