Dragon King T- A few more days or a week or two or so. ie Coming soon!

3 min readMar 27, 2018


Lucky Dragon — Glass Art by Jason Christian

While up at GDC in San Francisco last week I walked by this beauty in a gallery only moments after demoing the Mobile Version of Dragon King for Ivan Lobo, founder of Gamelab! I took it as an Omen of Good Fortune and adopted him. Ivan decided he should be named Ivan, but I think I need an Oscar more than an Ivan…

Back to business… Some may be wondering why we chose Dragon King as the first game…

NEVERDIE, Dragon King & The Blockchain, say what?

Dragon King is the first game powered by Smart contacts on the Ethereum Blockchain that fully utilizes NDC and TPT as they were designed to be used. The API mechanics that enables NDC and TPT and other NEVERDIE ecosystem tokens to be utilized are connected to the NEVERDIE Crypto gaming Wallet Database and can now be easily employed by new game developers who wish to participate in the Virtual goods economy supported by the NEVERDIE and Teleport utility tokens. The Simple game design of Dragon king clearly illustrates the ease with which it is possible for a developer to include usage of the NEVERDIE Coin and Teleport token in the gameplay without compromising the primary revenue stream for the developer or the lore of the game. All of the API’s developed in the creation of Dragon King are able to be re-used by other game developers who choose to utilize NEVERDIE Coins and Teleport tokens in their game design, which will reduce the time needed to create each new game.

The UI for Dragon King is very simple and fun, which is very important when it comes to driving adoption, but the simplicity hides alot of smart contract coding behind it and the integration with the wallet is seamless..

Dragon King is very easy to play and really provides all of our token holders with a game to be proud of. This is your game, you can share it with your friends and compete against your friends as you test your strategies. If you are a Hodler of NDC and TPT, then you can now play a part in helping us to build the ecosystem by enjoying and sharing the game and wallet…

Dragon King is just the beginning, there is more fun game play we plan to add in future updates and its the kind of game you could play for years… But it is also an important step in the development of the ecosystem as we can use the API’s for the next game and the next and the next and the next…..

Status: The Servers are being set up, We will be moving the game over from the test net to the main net, we are auditing the smart contract, Debugging and The Web site being finalized, etc….




The latest news and developments relating to the NEVERDIE ecosystem, including Teleport token, visit NEVERDIE.com to find out more!