What is The Language of The Future ?

Neverland vibes
2 min readJan 26, 2023


The question, at first glance, can you expect the answer to be known to you and you will certainly say English or Japanese, for example and this could be in terms of the language of the tongue? But have you ever asked yourself what is the future language of the mind?

In a simple and untwisted way, the language of the future is the programming language!

What is the programming language?

A programming language is a set of commands and functions that are programmed according to a specific goal to perform a purpose and goal that is determined by the programmer with special rules defined by each language.

Is programming one language or multiple languages?

Programming languages, like the languages of the tongue, are many and many, including the ancient ones that have disappeared and the modern ones, and each language has certain uses that distinguished it.
For example, the most important language currently used and available with us on a daily basis is the Java language, and from it all smart phone applications (Android and iOS) are programmed and manufactured.

There are also other languages, the most popular of which is the Python language, which is an easy, simple and old language, as it appeared in the nineties of the last century. It is the language used often by the company (Google), and it also designed many applications, the most famous of which is the (Instagram) application.

You can imagine the importance of the programming language and how you can, through a language and a tool in your hands, design applications and sell them and be a source of income and financial return for you in light of the technical and technological development that we live every day and the emergence of thousands of applications every day, as it is used very much in the field of artificial intelligence and homes Smart and remote control and also in various sciences and fields.

Programming importance:

Programming is of great importance, including:

1- It develops a person’s mind, expands his thinking and understanding, makes him solve his problems easily, and makes him orderly in his life and his steps.

2- Facilitate your work and complete it in a short time.

3- It helps you create an application or script that helps you protect yourself from hacking or spying.

4- It helps you earn a lot of money, if you are a professional in one programming language such as: python, Java, C++, and others, you will get jobs in companies that require these languages and make a lot of money.

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Neverland vibes

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