Community Review of the Reporter Community’s blockchain project (AKA NewsToken); Part 1. — Prologue

Reporter Community & NEWS token
3 min readMay 19, 2018


Have you heard about They are connecting tokenized products to visionary early adopters.
So, we’ve participated the World’s Business Angel Investor Summit in Turkey, where one of their representatives came to our exhibition site and us asked to apply for their community review and supporting program.

(Here’s a brief interview with the Reproter’s CEO in Istanbul)

Finally, we did — right there and then. Few weeks ago it was when we were hit by a surprise that we received the first results of the community review. Let us share these results with you, along with some comments from our point of view. ( commencing in a series of 5 brief articles)
Also, let us congratulate to the guys and the community of, as we concieve that the method and the philosophy of the project rating is fair and creates real valua for both project holders and investors. So, let’s start with the basics, shall we?

So, let’s start with the basics, shall we?

They were asking their reviewers to look at how far the project has come in several key dimensions:
● Product maturity: in what stage of development is the proposed product?
● Blockchain’s role in concept: is there actual value in using blockchain for the product?
● Team: does the team’s background indicate their ability to execute?
● Advisors: does the team have any trusted advisors that bring value to the business?
● Target segment and market potential: who are the potential customers and how big is the addressed market?
● Position vs. competition: who are the competitors and how is the proposed product better?
● Token model: is the token model clearly defined, and does the proposed token offer real utility or is it a security?
● Community engagement: is the project visible in the crypto community, does it have an engaged community of supporters?

About the reviewed project (Reporter Community’s NewsToken)

Brief description
Reporter is a mobile app based e-marketplace for newsworthy pics & vids. Using mainly smartphone data we can verify the authenticity of the content captured. We are developing our new blockchain based verification system — against content manipulation.

The problem
An excessively increasing number of popular stories are captured by non-professionals, but it is rather difficult for them to find a trustworthy media buyer, sort out the pricing and payment, the copyright can also be a problem, and the uploading process can be lengthy and complicated.
On the other hand, news outlets are eager to use newsworthy pictures and videos, most of them even created a gateway for contents captured and uploaded to them directly by members of the public. However it is mostly done as an ad hoc business — unreliable quantities and qualities-
and require extra manpower to handle. The potential media buyer is still facing a problem that can compromise its credibility — the authenticity of the footage.
Moreover an e-marketplace providing a wide range of organized/indexed selection of newsworthy pictures and videos taken by ’ordinary people’, up for sale on the internet, is almost nonexistent globally to this day.

The Solution — provided by the Reporter system: a mobile app, and its Enterprise module (server application) and the proposed business conditions.
The app provides instant camera capability complementing the recorded media content with location data and with a digital security watermark to aid the authentication process. By using blockchain technology we can validate the content, guarantee its integrity, the service quality and allows us to
process future transactions automatically. Then it is seamlessly uploaded to the Enterprise module, which tags the media content and stores it in a logically structured and searchable database. News outlet users of the Reporter system can search the database by location, by popularity, by
themes etc. They can easily and simply acquire the publication rights of the selected content from the owner of the document directly, among preset conditions, including usage- and copyrighting and pricing — and don’t have to worry about its authenticity as it is granted with Reporter.



Reporter Community & NEWS token

Blockchain based news content provider — bringing an end to counterfeit news content