Secure Your Data by Lock Folder and Files

Nexsols Inc.
3 min readDec 5, 2015


Unlike other open source OS, there is no way incorporated in the Windows based OS that enables you to lock and protect the files and folders on your computer. You might need protection against theft or data being mishandled, in case anyone is able to gain remote access to your computer. This drawback of the operating system can however be countered by Third Party Web applications. There are many such software's available in the market which stores and protects files and folders.

However, as a user you must be aware before buying or downloading Third Party Software's to lock and protect your important files and folders. They can not only damage the system but some of them are web applications developed by professional hackers to especially steal your valuable files. This is carried out through these programmed applications once they are downloaded on your system. Now, you must be wondering, “What am I supposed to do?”. Or “If I don’t know which application to trust, what if I download the wrong application?” Well, in order to resolve your worries, Nexsols group has launched its “Lock Folder and Files.” It is an indigenous software developed so that not a single American should fear about the loss of their valuable data and files being leaked due to the ongoing cyber war.

The notable features of Lock Folder and files include:

  • 1 click cloaking of folders from the scavenging eyes of intruders.
  • The files/folders that are protected by Lock Folder and Files are completely undetectable despite advance search options.
  • No amount of Windows advanced search options can detect the presence of protected files and folders.

You can also unlock the protected files and folder in 2 ways:

  • Temporary: You open Nexsols’ Lock folder and files, open the protected folder and then work on the same. Once you close the software your file/folder is automatically locked again.
  • Permanent: If you feel that the information stored is not of any value to you anymore, then you can unlock the file and folder permanently and the file/folder is replaced on its original location.

Also, this tool is very handy to use and just so you understand, every step of its working application is here.

Now that you know how easy it is to use Nexsols Lock Folder and Files, then let’s proceed to the points as to why this software is a must have Third party application for your system.

As mentioned above Windows OS does not have any inbuilt feature to lock and protect files/folders. You need to be dependant on third party applications for the same. When you download an application to protect file/folder from intruders, it just either hides the file or asks for a password when you click on the folder. If it has just hidden the file/folder then it is easily discoverable by Window’s advanced search option. However, if the folder/file is password protected and it says so when you click on the same, even then it can be opened by bypassing the security of the software. Professional hackers are trained to open files/folders that are protected by such softwares. However, the USP of Nexsols’ Lock Folder and File is that it locks files/folder at the kernel root level so that no search yields the protected file/folder as their result and thus protecting your data from theft, even if your PC or notebook is under the attack of an intruder.



Nexsols Inc.

Lock your important Folders and Files