Next.ID Aggregates Identities Across Web2 and Web3, Giving Data Ownership Back To Users

Next.ID: The world’s first Decentralized-Identity-as-a-Service (DIaaS)

6 min readJul 13, 2022

Next.ID, the world’s first protocol offering Decentralized-Identity-as-a-Service (DIaaS) is moving into beta testing. It is a decentralized identity aggregation protocol that integrates all Web2 and Web3 digital identities, offering a comprehensive and verifiable identity database for open-source developers and projects to innovate and build dApps on.

As the world’s first DIaaS, Next.ID creates an identity infrastructure that securely aggregates users’ identities into Avatars, making it the primary touch point for interfacing with any app or dApp.

Next.ID’s Avatars exist independently from Web2 and Web3, using a blockchain-like model to retain data integrity. This allows Next.ID to connect to all Web2 and Web3 platforms, aggregating all identities in a fully-agnostic way, unifying them into one single decentralized identifier (DID).

Welcome to the future of Digital Identity.

The most seamless DID aggregator for Web3 builders

  • The ideal DIaaS System must be built with an architecture that prioritizes identity safety and data privacy
  • A universal Digital Identity management system must consolidate identifiers across chains and platforms in both Web2 & Web3 so identity data can be useful and meaningful

Next.ID recognizes the strengths of multiple approaches to identity (including Verifiable Credentials and Soulbound Tokens) and combines them by creating a sensible “Layer 0” for identities, ensuring that there will always be interoperability between different identity systems, held together by one unifying standard.

It is trustless, and we welcome all developers to audit the code on Github. If you like what you see, come build with the community.

How does Next.ID build an identity infrastructure?

  • Just as people are infinitely dynamic, Next.ID allows users to create Avatars that are infinitely interoperable across both Web2 and Web3 platforms.
  • Just as people recognize social groupings (e.g. age, race, nationality), Next.ID builds a framework that allows self-identification.

While Avatars who operate within a framework may sound like a national identity system, complete with social security numbers and Big Brother’s watchful eyes, there are a few key differences that show how Next.ID empowers users to own their identities and is not enslaved by them.

Avatars are

  • Cryptographic key pairs, making them tamper-proof and unhackable
  • Used on an opt-in basis, meaning you can create as many or as few of them as you want
  • Usable and operationable across any platform that supports integration with Next.ID

In short, it is designed to on-board as many users as possible, helping them to create digital autonomy and credibility.

To understand why Next.ID is vital for the next evolution of the internet, please read Why We Need To Own Our Digital Identities In A Decentralized World.

SwapChat integrates Next.ID

Next.ID’s capabilities can today be experienced by anyone. SwapChat, a Next.ID alpha test partner, is an instant messaging dApp across all Web3 pages that allows users to chat with buyers and sellers on OpenSea.

By integrating a DIaaS like Next.ID, SwapChat users now are able to negotiate prices with buyers and sellers via their Avatars on OpenSea, allowing for more efficient price discovery. Users can also use Avatars to discover communities via Twitter and Discord, leveraging SwapChat’s integration of multiple social platforms.

The list of protocols and dApps using Next.ID is growing weekly. Here are just some of them:

  1. Mask Network — Permissionless platform that bridges Web2 users to Web3
  2. KNN3 — Social graph data solution for Web3 relational data exploration
  3. RSS3 — Content syndication protocol that allows aggregation of Web2 and Web3 content
  4. SwapChat/Web3MQ — Cross-platform chat protocols that allow users to send messages and group chats on OpenSea and Twitter to realize social NFT trading
  5. — Frontend profile page for Web3 identities
  6. .bit — Web3 data container and naming service that enables users to link ENS and other identity services

Note: Next.ID is actively looking to grow its developer and partner ecosystem. Please reach out to us at

Technical breakthroughs that power Next.ID

ProofService — Ensure data integrity with cryptography

ProofChain follows a blockchain-like model to retain data integrity, using cryptography and the private-public key pairing system. This ensures that only users with the right private keys will be able to add to the data in each “block”.

ProofService and every change in its history are fully visible on Arweave, true to the Next.ID community’s commitment to full transparency for its protocols.

KVService — Organize and make sense of the data provided by users

As users and protocols read and write data using Next.ID, KVService sets up a framework to organize the information neatly. This enables smoother frontend usage of Next.ID, as well as allows developers a clearer understanding of how Next.ID can be utilized.

RelationService — Enable comprehensive identity queries and social use cases

RelationService is an aggregation of existing IDs, ID queries, and IDs bound to and in parallel to Next.ID, opening up a range of possibilities for integration with external protocols and creating greater Web3 native social use cases. Developers can access the prototype of RelationService server here.

Build with Next.ID: Solve the Identity Crisis in Web3

If you’re reading this even in the bear market, we have a proposal for you: build something that lasts.

Digital-Identity-as-a-Service will be the cornerstone on which Web3 will be built, as users get increasingly familiar with a digital economy. While the most recent bull run provided us with completely new and innovative liquidity mining primitives, it lacked sustainability. A sustainable future with true digital ownership is exactly what Next.ID is building.

Next.ID is looking for experienced developers who want to build on Next.ID as a public good, to create a framework that empowers users, and to create a digital society that stands apart from traditional constraints.


Phase 1 (Now-Dec 2022)

  1. Integrate more Web2 platforms, starting with: Discord, Medium, and TikTok
  2. Debut a user-facing demo dApp ( that showcases the full suite of Next.ID’s capabilities
  3. Enlarge our RelationService database to aggregate more verifiable connections from other DID services and databases, making search queries more efficient and trustworthy.
  4. Lay the groundwork for Next.ID to operate as an open-source community governed as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).

Phase 2 (2023 and beyond)

  1. Build out the developer ecosystem, encouraging developers to ideate and execute projects in the Next.ID community
  2. Co-develop projects with the community
  3. Expand Next.ID adoption and applications in social media, gaming, security, and asset management

Phase X (TBD)

  1. Build the framework for decentralized P2P nodes to enable users to self-host their data
  2. Develop into a full-fledged DAO, allowing the community to decide a future roadmap.

Intrigued? Find out more at or reach out to us at Follow us on Twitter: @NextDotID




Next.ID is an open-source DID protocol for all self-governed digital identities across Web2 and Web3.