The Future of Augmented Reality & 5G — Wireless Marketing for AR Is Right Message Aimed at Wrong Audience

Next Reality
5 min readApr 17, 2019

Anyone who has been within a block of any wireless brick and mortar store or tech conference in the last couple of years has no doubt seen banners, posters, and videos promoting 5G high-speed wireless services on the way.

The last time I can remember a technology being so hyped before release or mainstream adoption was 3D televisions. Well, we know how that turned out.

Will 5G share the same fate? Yes and no.

To be sure, our wireless speeds will get faster, and those faster speeds will result in lower latency, aiding the emergence and robustness of IoT (internet of things), gaming, and AR cloud computing.

But while 5G will almost certainly make life better for wireless consumers and businesses relying on cloud applications, the industry’s full frontal marketing assault to promote 5G seems, like the 3D TV promotions before it, misguided. If we’re talking about tech events like CES and the like, sure, 5G promotions are expected. But…

