Cover image by Adario Strange/Next Reality

I Spent a Full Day Working in the Magic Leap One & Discovered the AR Office of the Future

Next Reality
10 min readJul 24, 2019

Why do you need augmented reality? Because enterprise, they say. And while that’s certainly true for several disciplines, there’s still that mainstream use case hanging out there waiting for users to discover beyond the realm of enterprise and gaming.

After much thought — and taking the Magic Leap One through many different situations — I decided it was time to see if one of those use cases might be using it for office work. Specifically, I wanted to see if the Magic Leap One could serve as a viable tool for the average white-collar office worker through a normal day.

After almost a year on the market, you would think that someone might have already tried this, but I was unable to find an example of someone truly taking the device through its paces for an entire day in a normal office setting, so I decided to give it a try myself.

The Why: AR Workspaces Are the Future, Prepare Today

If you’ve been tracking the development of the Magic Leap One, you’ve probably seen the video promoting its CNN app, which shows a person walking around their apartment throughout the day while using the device. But is such an AR office scenario really practical?

