The Future of the AR Cloud — a Thousand Walled Gardens Bloom

Next Reality
6 min readApr 17, 2019

By far the most significant development for AR in the coming months and years — the development that will drive AR adoption — will be our reliance upon the AR cloud.

Soon, you will see companies attempt to brand this technology with some moniker they’ve created (for example, Azure from Microsoft, the “Magicverse” from Magic Leap, etc.) that will allow them to market various unique features and approaches.

But, in general, it’s all the same thing, data in the cloud tied to mobile devices that will allow AR devices to become the gateways for our avatars in this new landscape of reality layered with virtual interactive information.

What’s particularly interesting about the early rumblings of this space are the mostly well-meaning noises made by some executives about keeping the AR cloud ecosystem “open.” This sentiment is common in developing technology spaces. Kum-ba-ya, let’s all work together to foster a collective approach to this emerging technology, etc. I support this spirit and attitude.

But it seldom ends up that way, at least when money is involved. And let’s be clear, AR cloud represents a massive new revenue opportunity, whether the AR application is entertainment- or enterprise-oriented.

