The 54th Deadline: Bridge

Nhan Pham
2 min readMar 16, 2017


The 54th Deadline: Regardless of failure or success, you learn. Life grants people so many chances to get it right.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” — Jim Rohn

A bridge. Something to cross. Both physically and metaphorically. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about the bridge before me. One set by life no less.

For a long time, I thought about it. I want to cross it. I want to reach the other side. I want to see what is waiting for me. Someday. Eventually. Never soon enough.

There is so much to this than meets the eye. One extreme or the other.

A feeling of failure and success on the other side.

What am I missing? What keeps preventing me?!

Am I the one putting the brakes on my own progress?

A Distance Unknown

This bridge is tricky. I have no clue how far it stretches out. It is all in the mind.

Talk about mind games, right? Actually, scratch that. It doesn’t matter.

No matter what the distance. No matter how far I must go or however long it takes.

I must cross this.

I must get past this bridge to move forward in life.

There is no easy answer. There is no easy solution.

The more days pass, the more it hurts.

It gets to me. Bogs me down. Something hurting. Something begging me to find a way across this bridge no matter what.

I just have to go for it. I just need to get through this trial.

There is something over there. Something beyond this obstacle. This bridge within my sights. Psychologically, it gets to me.

But it is so tempting, just being curious about the other side…

I have to cross.

I need to get past this now!

“Hope is my catalyst.” — Nhan Pham

Edited with Grammarly Premium.


Originally published at The 54th Deadline.



Nhan Pham

#WSU alumnus. #GoCougs. Gamer. Aspiring chef. Blogger ( Writer/Editor for #EloTalk. My cat's name is Mango.