Enjin Multiverse: Swissborg Cyborg Quest Guide

6 min readAug 2, 2020


The Multiverse aims to tie several games together into a Ready Player One type experience for gamers and crypto enthusiasts alike. The Swissborg Cyborg event ties 8 games together in a quest to earn a custom Cyborg NFT as well as the chance to win other prizes. This guide is meant to help people who are looking at getting involved with multiple-game spanning quests who may not know what these games entail. All of the game’s involved have no entry fee or previous asset requirements to take part!

Now is the perfect time to jump in as this is the perfect quest to get you going within the Multiverse, the difficulty will be low and a great introduction to all of these titles. You are also guaranteed a Cyborg NFT if you complete the quest, no need to win a raffle or any kind of race. I will now jump into each title shown below and give you some information what will be required to obtain the piece from each game. Note that you will only receive one of each part so you have a choice of which path to take. I still plan to try each implementation and you should too!

I reached out to the developers of each game and thankfully they answered a few simple questions to help us understand what we need to do. This contains spoilers so if you don’t what to know what you’re in for, be warned!

Recovering the Cyborg’s Head can be completed in each of these games: Grasshopper Farm, Kingdom Karnage and MyMetaverse. Phase 1: August 3–8
GrassHopper Farms

This segment is free to play, and you will not need to own any assets from the game ahead of this event to complete the required portion. You will venture through the Multiverse Rift. Note that the Historian Hopper that was required for a previous quest is not required for this. Head into the rift and journey through a series of 5 quick quests. Find the map, locate the treasure, battle evil robots, craft a sword and use it to fight Enjileon (Whats he doing here, he’s from Cryptonom?!) and face off against the Red cyborg to earn the Head piece.

Difficulty Scale (1–10): 1
Cyborg NFT recognized in game: Owning Cyborg unlocks him as a vendor who may offer unique opportunities
To play download telegram and join the channel @GrasshopperFarm

Kingdom Karnage

Kingdom Karnage is free to play and there aren’t any asset requirements to complete this portion. To earn the Cyborg Head here you will need to battle through the 10 introduction levels. Once this is complete you will have access to Endurance mode. Here you will rack up kills and gather parts, once you have enough parts you will be able to complete Cyborg’s Head.

Difficulty Scale (1–10): 2
Cyborg NFT recognized in game: TBD

Available on multiple devices listed here https://kepithorstudios.com/#Play

MyMetaverse Minecraft server

The only cost associated with playing MyMetaverse is owning the java version of Minecraft, which you probably already do! If not, retail is around $30 USD. There are no asset ownership requirements to gather what you need here. Your task will be to defeat waves of monsters until you face off against the Red Borg. Upon “killing his face” -Simon, you will receive the drop you need! Video featuring the battle as well as action from Lost Relics in relation to the quest is posted here https://twitter.com/MyMetaverse/status/1286140718986100737

Difficulty Scale (1–10): 8
Cyborg NFT recognized in game: Cyborg will act as a Companion to you in the game.

Now available to play through Minecraft at the server address mc.mymetaverse.io

Collecting the Cyborg’s Torso can be completed in Forest Knight or Min-Mins. Phase 1: August 3–8
Forest Knight. Cyborg Robo Paladin Skin

This game is available free to play on Android or Blue stacks for PC. Assets are not required. The Torso will have a drop chance on specific levels inside the game. View the possible rewards on each level and identify where the Torso is. Completing those levels will have a chance to award the Torso.

Difficulty Scale (1–10): 5
Cyborg NFT recognized in game: Cyborg will unlock a Robo Paladin Skin

Download from Google here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ChronoGames.Forest.Knight


Min-mins will also be a free to play game with no previous asset requirements to take part. There are 4 quest levels designed for this event. The Torso piece will be obtained when these levels have been completed.

Difficulty Scale (1–10): 7
Cyborg NFT recognized in game: Cyborg will be unlocked as a playable character to both Cyborg NFT and Min-Mins Founders token holders

Play on Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.enigmagames.minmins&hl=en or
iOS https://apps.apple.com/us/app/min-mins/id1490033328?ls=1

Recovering the Cyborg’s Legs can be completed in Bitcoin Hodler or The Six Dragons. Phase 1: August 3–8

Bitcoin Hodler

The game is free to play and there aren’t any asset requirements for Bitcoin Hodler. The quest is open for anyone and difficulty really depends on your hodling skills! Their goal is for every player to be able to find the part, but be challenged in doing so. To do this, hodl (survive) and reach level 10, the part will be hidden there so keep an eye out for that golden pig….and grab it!

Difficulty Scale (1–10): 5, varies with your ability to hodl
Cyborg NFT recognized in game: Cyborg will be a playable character

Play on Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Hodler.BitcoinHodler or IOS https://testflight.apple.com/join/ukyEW0nA

The Six Dragons

Jumping into The Six Dragons you will have a new quest available. The goal is simple: Kill monsters and find cyborg pieces. When you have gathered enough pieces, you will be able to turn the quest in for the Cyborg Legs!

Difficulty Scale (1–10): 3
Cyborg NFT recognized in game: TBD

Play on PC at https://thesixdragons.com/

Phase 2: August 9–15
Final Showdown time

Once you have recovered the Cyborg’s Head, Torso and Legs from phase 1, you are ready to the quest in phase 2 by Retrieving a Decryption Device from the game Lost Relics. The game is free to play and the only asset requirements are the three Cyborg parts you earned in phase 1! You will venture into the dungeon and battle through monsters until you reach the Red Borg boss awaiting you at the end.

Difficulty Scale (1–10): 3–4
Cyborg NFT recognized in game: Cyborg will be a playable character/skin

Download for PC here: https://lostrelics.io/download

Lost Relics Cyborg Skin
Quest Complete!

Congratulations on completing the Multiverse Quest. I hope that you’ve enjoyed the guide and tried some of the Enjin games that you hadn’t yet! Please make sure to give plenty of constructive feedback to the games and let them know you loved the collaboration and want to see more of it!

My name is Nhinestreams and if you enjoy this type of content, enjin, gaming and more feel free to stop by and be a part of my community. Links below. Thanks for reading!

Twitter: @Nhinestreams
Streaming: www.twitch.tv/nhinestreams
Discord: https://discord.gg/ZzntsXB

Content donations welcome but never obligated: Nhinestreams.eth

