Idea Tornado

submerge into the realm of possibility

Nia Keturah*
3 min readJul 10, 2014

I am constantly surrounded by an upward-spinning tunnel of ideas.

A neo soul Dorothy, I’m rotating where Kansas dissolves into Oz.

The ideas are swirling around me, showing me visions of possibilities. These ideas usually take the form of small unexperienced events, memories of my potential older self. They whirl past me glimmering like Tinker Bell in a cloud of fairy dust, shinning, glowing. Perhaps because since I can remember I have envisioned a bright future.

However, like a pair of fogged glasses, the ideas are beginning to hamper how I see the world. The reality, I once thought I shared with the universe, is breaking and infusing into my dream world, that I thought only existed in my brainwaves.
I’m getting so damn dizzy from trying to look at the real world past this spinning layer of neverland particles.

My invisible idea layer has been calling out to me,
asking me
sweetly but eagerly
to succumb to it.
Infuse all my matter
into it’s frosted glow.

I have certainly consider it. Uniting with the invisible possibilities. Forever forgoing Kansas and remaining in Oz. More than considered, I have longed for it and often claimed it as my own.
But, the truth is I have yet to leave the purgatory of the tornado’s eye

I have been scared.

Scared that all I love will be lost to me in reality. Loving reality has kept me realistic, grounded. If I let go…sure I may fly, but flying too close too the sun may melt my wings. Icarus taught me that. And, there’s always the possibility I might fall to my death.
So desperately I want to see the real world past the glowing ideas.
but, at the same time,
the glow keeps me warm.
It shields me from the realities I do not wish to accept,
it gives me hope…
it nearly blinds me with optimism.

Fear has left me stagnant.

wanting the imaginary and the real,
the glowing invisible spinning idea layer
and the real world that lies beyond it,
I am inadvertently rejecting them both.

I know what has to happen.
I have to let the reality go…
I have to let my cells become one with the invisible visions constantly swirling past me.
so I’ll submerge,
push my matter into this tornado of oz headed towards the heavens.
I must become one with the glow

like particles dancing in sun beams.

I don’t think reality ever really

loved me back anyway.

