Nicholas Rothe
1 min readJan 10, 2017


First a joke: Someone once accused me of being illiterate. “I am not”, I replied, “and I have a birth certificate to prove it”.

Ha! I’m not a writer per se … I am a copywriter specifically. Know all about rejection: “too flippant”, “too serious” “too long”, “too short”, “too whatever”. Here the general rule is “the client is always right”.

But I digress. I meant to address the whole thing of rejection from another angle. Because there is simple so much out there that ought to be rejected: Mainstream news, mainstream religion, mainstream politics, mainstream food, mainstream entertainment, mainstream education and mainstream service to name a few.

The problem of experiencing quality anything doesn’t get any better day after day. Having wrung my hands out, I now set my energies to finding the thing of value, the worthy contender, the polished product, the inspiring example.

What jewels the garbage dump we have turned this world into still holds. But what a treasure hunt it used to be to discover the new and marvelous — now a treasure hunt for the not already unspoiled, the still fresh, the well-considered and the still innocent.

Medium is one such rarity. Conscientiously rejecting the ordinary has brought this source to the front for me. Your writing and that of many others is wonderful. It stands out, makes a mark and gives evidence that there is still good stuff to be had.

