Graffiti Art — Dortmund Style

In March, I made what I like to call a “Soccer & Space Euro Trip.” During my travels I had the outstanding fortune of being hosted by an awesome person from in Dortmund, Germany. He showed me a different side of Dortmund that I wasn’t expecting — a walking graffiti tour!

5 min readJun 19, 2017

I tried to group the different graffiti into similar groups. The following is how the post is broken up:

  • Graffiti Tiles
  • 3D Graffiti
  • Alleys
  • Windows
  • Miscellaneous
  • Characters & Half Walls
  • Full Walls

Graffiti Tiles —

Lost penguin
Circular Windows




We live in the greatest time Humanity has ever experienced. Let’s start acting like it!