Getting Funded Sucks (Kinda)

“Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems”

2 min readJan 19, 2014

Accountability. Responsibility. Ability…to possibly f*** everything up. If you ever get funded, don’t let those words start to roll around in your head. They may just consume your thoughts and spiral into a dark pit of self doubt. But when someone gives you a bunch of money for something that came from the same place those thoughts did, it’s tough not to think about it.

My productivity web app Timervise recently got seed funding. Not the crazy huge six figure type of funding, or even five figures, but enough to cover our development costs, and that’s all I set out to obtain for now. I sat around for a day or two (it was Friday when we went to the bank) and really thought things out, after I had already thought things out to the most specific detail over the past three months. Shortly after, I began to have dreams about planes, planes crashing out of the sky, and even me in one as it was crashing, but i’ll write about that later. I then realized I had quite of bit of accountability on my head. I even thought to myself “It’s so much easier to go out and get a normal job”. But we all know how that is.

Getting seed funding and being able to deliver on everything is not for the faint at heart. But it’s part of the game we’re all trying to play. It’s crazy to imagine the companies that get six figure seed funding deals, and have multiple employees, with families, all having to be held accountable for people’s best interests. More money, more problems, classic line that stands true for many situations. If you’re currently looking for funding, make sure you have all the details ready, and be ready to execute. Good Luck!

P.S-My productivity app Timervise is currently in development. We have set up a landing page and you can sign up w/ your email and be notified when we launch. Please do so!

