The Force of Higher Purpose

Nick Kelly
4 min readDec 19, 2015


Perhaps you really ought to try to find out.

Not such a long time ago, the force was really with us. Eight years ago, our fine young candidates were allowed to debate, anytime and anywhere. Some were even eager to debate on the back of a flatbed truck. Darth Vader seemed to be hiding in an undisclosed location, his troopers reluctantly turning to an old star-ship fighter pilot for leadership. The force was definitely with us.

But today, things are different. The force is once again glowing in the crooked ranks of the dark side. Their minions shine spotlights on jackals and bigots as they dismiss all our candidates, save one. She who still flirts with their side. She who has charge of her royal DNC Denier of Debates. And so it is, that it has been decreed that our candidates may henceforth only debate at specified times and places! This is unprecedented in our long and proud history.

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” ~ Yoda

This denial of debate sounds crazy in our land of the free and home of the brave. And yet it has happened, despite the protests of a few brave young Jedi.

So, here, while the would-be new Emperor and his fellow Sith cleverly consume nearly all the available political airspace, most of us stand …doing what?

Some of us spend our days proclaiming that ‘we are with her’, seemingly oblivious to the evidence that she has long been co-opted by the other side. Others are putting our hopes and dreams into the popular rise of one of our most independent old Jedi, without regard for the fact that we may well be pushing him beyond his natural limits. And sadly, these two brave dreams are now threatening to split us asunder.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi

But we have a third and better alternative. We have a bright new leader standing up for all of us. Most of us know too little about him, thanks in some part to the royal Denier. But if you want to know more about him please click on the underlined phrases in this story. That will take you to other articles and videos supporting him.

Of course, I’m speaking of Martin O’Malley, ironically, the only life-long Democrat in the race.

‘But O’Malley doesn’t have a chance of winning the nomination’, many of you are doubtless thinking. But you’re wrong. The fact is that his chances right now are not unlike those of previous nominees.

“PATIENCE YOU MUST HAVE my young padawan” ~ Yoda

‘But he’s responsible for the violence that occurred last April in Baltimore’, a few of you might think. Fortunately, you’re wrong about that also. Under close inspection, the bogus accusations against him disintegrate.

No, my friends, the fact is that Martin O’Malley is not only our best candidate; he’s also likely to be the best one to unite the Democratic Party. Furthermore, in spite of being the youngest of our three candidates, he has the most extensive record of actually changing things for the better.

“Martin O’Malley is running a serious race for the presidency, in which he has courageously defended immigrants, refugees, and Muslims while arguing for bold gun-control policies. But do contemporary politics reward seriousness and courage? As one of three remaining Democratic contenders — with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders — O’Malley gets good reviews for debate performances and speeches. Yet the former Maryland governor’s poll numbers are modest. Undaunted, he tells John Nichols that “the politics of higher purpose” can prevail.”

“Yes, the politics of higher purpose — that’s what’s always drawn me to public service. I believe that the power of politics isn’t money. It’s the beliefs that unite us, when they are actually tapped — when a leader is willing to make him- or herself vulnerable for the sake of those values.”

We must look “…beyond ourselves to welcome the stranger, protect our earth, and let compassion guide all our doings.” ~ Martin O’Malley

We need new leadership with the force of higher purpose to face the challenges of the 21st century.

“Great countries are built by compassionate people coming together around the ideas that serve our common good.” ~ Martin O’Malley

This planet is worth saving!

“Yes, I know this is a tough fight.

Yes, I know there are many among us who say we face long odds.

But I like the odds, and I kind of like tough fights!

Maybe the toughness of the fight is how the hidden God let’s us know we are fighting for something worth saving!

The American Dream is worth saving!

Our children’s future is worth saving!

Our country is worth saving!

This planet is worth saving!

And the Democratic Party is up to this fight!

For, ours is the party of the people!

Ours is the party of action!

And ours is the only party today that can rebuild the American Dream;

And make the promise real again for all Americans!” ~ Martin O’Malley

