Myanmar (Burma) — Mandalay Grand Royal Palace, Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)

An afternoon exploring Mandalay

Nick’s Wanderings
7 min readJun 20, 2022


March 2015

One afternoon, I visited the Mandalay Grand Royal Palace, about 15 to 20 minutes north of my hotel.

On the map, it looked like there were four entrances to the palace; but only the east entrance was for tourists (foreigners).

I paid 10,000 kyats (US$10; £6.50) for a Mandalay Archaeological Zone Ticket to enter the Grand Royal Palace. The ticket also gave me access to…



Nick’s Wanderings

The bio is always the difficult bit. I’m a geek, a traveller and a photographer. I’ll be writing about blogging and my travels, plus the occasional ‘tech’ post.