5 Somatic Interventions Explained in Somatic Therapy

Nicolai Grossel
3 min readOct 29, 2023



Somatic therapy is a unique and holistic approach to mental and emotional well-being that recognizes the deep connection between the body and mind. This therapy uses somatic interventions to help individuals release trauma, manage stress, and improve their overall quality of life. In this article, we’ll explore five somatic interventions commonly used in somatic therapy.

1. Grounding Techniques:

Grounding is a fundamental somatic intervention that aims to connect individuals with the present moment and their physical bodies.

Grounding techniques often involve:

  • Deep Breathing: Focusing on the breath and using slow, deep inhalations and exhalations to center oneself.
  • Body Scanning: Slowly moving attention throughout the body, from head to toe, to become aware of physical sensations and areas of tension.
  • Mindful Observation: Engaging the senses to observe the environment and describe what is seen, heard, smelled, and felt.

These techniques help individuals manage anxiety, dissociation, and stress by anchoring them in the here and now.

2. Somatic Experiencing: Somatic experiencing is a somatic intervention that focuses on processing and releasing trauma held in the body. In this approach, clients are guided to explore physical sensations, emotions, and thought patterns related to past traumatic events. By gently and systematically addressing these elements, somatic experiencing aims to help individuals complete the body’s natural response to trauma, promoting healing and resolution.

3. Biofeedback: Biofeedback is a somatic intervention that uses technology to monitor and provide real-time feedback on physiological functions, such as heart rate, muscle tension, and skin temperature. Clients can learn to control these bodily functions to reduce stress, anxiety, and physical tension. Biofeedback helps individuals gain greater awareness and control over their bodily responses to stress, promoting relaxation and overall well-being.

4. Dance and Movement Therapy: Dance and movement therapy incorporate physical movement as a means of emotional expression and release. Clients use dance, creative movement, and physical expression to explore and express their emotions. This somatic intervention can help individuals process and release pent-up emotions, reduce stress, and improve body awareness. Dance and movement therapy is especially beneficial for those who may struggle to articulate their emotions verbally.

5. Massage and Bodywork: Massage and bodywork therapies are hands-on somatic interventions that involve physical touch to release tension and promote relaxation. These interventions can help individuals release physical and emotional tension held in the body’s muscles and tissues. Massage and bodywork therapies can be particularly beneficial for those with chronic physical tension, stress, or traumatic experiences stored in the body.


Somatic interventions in somatic therapy are powerful tools for healing and emotional well-being. By engaging with the body and its physical sensations, individuals can process trauma, reduce stress, and enhance their overall quality of life. Somatic therapy recognizes that the body and mind are deeply interconnected, and these interventions provide valuable ways to address and heal emotional and physical challenges.

