Nicolas Zart
5 min readDec 26, 2016

Hidden In Plain Sight

Hidden in plain sight, where we fear most the safest place.

When the god of gods gathered the four main Earthly gods, it had a plan.

When Mankind Stagnated

A long, long time ago, mankind had it all. But like most children who have it all, it didn’t use it for its highest purpose. Instead of developing its divine gifts, it stagnated. Instead of using those tremendous powers to further evolve, it only enjoyed them. Back then, mankind could levitate and fly. It could dematerialize and rematerialize anywhere it wished. It could transmute any energy and rearrange at will. Mankind was divine with divine powers.

But Nature abhors stagnation. The one constant you can observe is that everything moves. Nothing rests. Everything spins and vibrates. Since mankind stalled, the god of the gods of this realm convened a meeting.

Removing Divinity

The god of gods knew something had to change. If left unchecked, mankind would just continue to enjoy this kindergarten. So the god of the gods of this plane of existence asked them what to do. It was about to test mankind. But little did the gods of this material realm know that they too were about to get tested.

Looking without, leads to looking within.

“What do you think is the biggest problem mankind has?”

The gods of this plane of existence were stumped. They hadn’t thought of this. Everything seemed perfect. It was paradise. One of them tried to answer the question and said something to the effect that mankind needed more power. The god of the gods smiled and said that mankind had enough powers. So another one ventured that there is a need for schools to teach mankind how to use those powers. The god of the gods smiled and said that this was better. But it wasn’t enough. There had been schools and mankind got lazy.

It was then that the god of the gods exposed the plan. It said: “Mankind has misused its divinity. It no longer evolves. It stagnates. Worse yet, it started abusing its powers.”

You see then, mankind started experiencing its first bout of negativity. It became aware opposites. It began to adopt duality. Some started using their powers to dominate others. Others used their powers to bend wills to their desires. It was easy to see how this would degenerate.

The god of the gods exclaimed: “I will remove mankind’s divinity. Where should I hide it so that they finally value its divinity when found again?”

The gods of this world were puzzled.

Hiding Divinity In The Elements

The first god to speak was the soft-voiced Mother Earth. Being tender to her children, she said: “Why don’t we hide it in the deepest entrails of the Earth?”

The god of the gods thought a little and said: “No. Soon enough mankind will develop tools and instruments to dig through the soil. Soon enough it will explore the deepest caves of the planet.”

The god of the water simply said: “Then why don’t we hide it in the deepest parts of the ocean?”

To which The god of the gods answered: “No. That won’t work either. Soon enough mankind will create immersible vehicles and explore the deepest depths of the oceans.”

The god of the winds spoke up and said: “Then lets hide it in the highest stratosphere.”

To which the god of the gods replied: “No. Mankind will create flying machines to explore the air and beyond soon enough.”

The god of fire spoke up. “Let’s hide it in the secret of the fire. Volcanoes, firestorms and lightning would be the best place.”

To which the god of the gods replied: “No. Soon enough mankind will learn the mysteries of fire. Those places are too simple. Any explorer will find it and could use it against others.”

They all thought for a very long time. When the god of the gods saw the other gods didn’t know where to hide it, he snapped his fingers and said: “I got it! I’m going to hide it in a place where mankind will never think to look.”

The gods were intrigued. What place was there they hadn’t thought of? What place could something be hidden this well?

Then the god of the gods said: “I will hide it deep within their hearts. They will never think to look there. Once they do, they will laugh and rejoice. They will learn to appreciate it again.”

Hidden In Plain Sight

It’s true that most things are right under our proverbial noses. Most answers lie in the last place we think to look, inside. While science has made great material progress, it lags in soul research.

Consider this. We know more about space than we do of our oceans. We know how to mend broken bones, but lag far behind when it comes to ailments of the soul. We have first aid tool box kits, but nothing for mental distress. We apply pressure on open wounds, but shriek in horror at a mental breakdown.

A simple thank you daily rewires synapses.

While I don’t fully recall these ancient times, I do have this lingering melancholy of how things used to be. It drives me. It pushes me to go on when I lose appetite for life. While I don’t want to go back to those ancient times, I’m eager to rediscover my divinity. As I rediscover my divinity, I laugh at how simple it was to look within. It was simple as soon as I stopped being scared of looking within, the safest place I know of. I laughed at how I was fearless going into dark forests with a sword but scared of introspection. I have faint memories of times when we had it all and didn’t use it to our fullest. And as I find it again, I now understand why you say thank you.

So how about tapping that source?

Nicolas Zart

Born and raised around classic cars, after driving an electric vehicle over a decade ago he now focuses on electric aviation.