Legacy : A look at our target audience

Nicolas MICHEL
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2017

With Legacy providing a tool for managing what happens after death, many business-focused person respond to our pitch with a “silver-economy” label. However, despite my hair definitively showing some greying, I don’t think that my colleagues or I qualify. And as Felipe stated in his post, Legacy is made for us.

What is most fearsome about death is its unpredictability. Did you know that when you reach 25, your probability of dying roughly doubles every 10 years? Death is a fact of life, and we don’t have any other choice than to accept it. And that’s where being prepared helps.

On average, you’ll be married at around 30. And statistically, children will follow in the years afterwards. What memories will they receive if something unfortunate happens?

So no, we are not targeting people on their deathbeds. We want to build something for us. We want to build something that you, who still have your whole life ahead of you, can use to feel more secure and to give something to your loved ones.

Outside those two key demographics, Legacy can also be used by professionals in a high-risk environment (firefighters, loggers, fishermen, etc) or people needing a proven “dead man switch” to distribute documents.

In the end, we envision a world where everyone has a Legacy account. We all have something to say, something that we wish would outlive us. If Legacy can bring a quantum of solace to someone, then we will have succeeded in making the world a slightly better place.

