The End, The Beginning

A reflection & epilogue of my time at college

The Creative Collective
2 min readOct 30, 2021

I am filled with a whirlwind of emotion and uncertainty as I prepare to graduate college. Its been a hectic and rapid 4 years here at Colorado State University.

I feel as if I have just gotten used to seeing the foothills hide the horizon to the West. The 300 days of deep blue skies every year have not been taken for granted.

As I prepare myself to be catapulted to the real world I find myself in a state of reflection. Contemplating career options, reminiscing on old memories, and recalling everything I have learned makes it all quite overwhelming.

College is like getting a massage — you get so absorbed with the moment that it flies right by. As you near the end of a massage you know there are only moments left to enjoy, and you pray for more time.

I can feel the end nearing, but I’m not ready for this journey to come to a close.

I know I can draw upon the experiences I’ve gained throughout college, but am I ready to enter the real world? Did I get everything I was supposed to out of my time here?

When One Door Closes, Another Opens

Looking forward, I am grateful for the options I have. At the same time, I wish there was someone to tell me what to do. I guess that's the beauty of having freedom of options.

The fear of failure haunts me every day. With an uncertain future, I know that failure is always an option. Failure can be a teacher, but not one that I am used to. Receiving grades my whole life has trained me to strive for the satisfaction of an A.

There are no A’s in the real world.

Moving into a professional setting I will have to appreciate my success by rewarding myself. I will also have to confront my own failures.

Independence is something I am becoming more familiar with.

The constant buzz of my roommates — my best friends — always around me will make time by myself feel like a bitter silence after a loud storm.

As I close the door to my life at college, I open another to new possibilities.

