
Nicole Franklin
1 min readOct 7, 2015


There was so much business to take care of this weekend and so much to prep in time for everything on the list to get done…. I haven’t been near my script for a week! This is not good. It actually sucks.

When “they” say it takes 21 days to make a habit, how about it takes seven days for a screenwriter to slip, stumble and take a hard landing at the foot of the mountain. When you’re on a roll you’re halfway to the mountain’s peak. Not any more.

I’m disappointed in myself, but thrilled that I have four hours planned for the library again tomorrow — my lovely hardwood chair and desk, extremely uncomfortable library. By Friday I should only be a week behind. I’m not at procrastinator stage yet, but I’m not going to wait to be either. :)

Will this script come together by December 1? Yes. I gotta claim it!



Nicole Franklin

Fiilmmaker. Storyteller. Read the book. Watch the films