The End of Act 1

Nicole Franklin
3 min readNov 5, 2015


Latest update: I reached the end of Act 1 today in my screenplay outline with the subgoal of the sequence identified as well as the question going into Act 2. The screenplay I’m writing now has a title as well. Upon finishing the outline, I will be able to register the title with WGA East and share it with you!

Writing an adaptation with an eight-sequence story structure in mind is a terrific roadmap that has worked quite well for me with a previous script. The eight-sequence story structure is a roadmap to a strong script outline that a friend designed for his screenwriting classes. It’s a modified version of The Hero’s Journey with two sequences spent in Act 1, four in Act 2 and two more wrapping up the three-act structure. Each sequence is meticulously crafted, answering two questions at the end “What is the sequence sub-goal?” and “What is the next sequence question?”

The first two sequences that make up Act 1 pay special attention to setting up our storyworld and starting our protagonist on their journey — which she may or may not choose to accept (I’m leaning toward the latter because it may be an interesting twist and because I know what the guidelines the follow up sequences tend to bring!). I like puzzles. I’m adapting a story with more characters than I need and more scenes that are warranted for the character revelations I have planned. This is getting fun as Act 2 is probably going to be quite a ride. All and all I am confident the tenants of the next four sequences will continue to work in my favor. On top of everything I have a tight deadline to meet.

How do we do this? So far I’m on track this week to write one sequence per day. This puts me at Tuesday for wrapping up the outline. I’ll give myself until Thursday to make one more revision, then I’ll start on the actual screenplay itself.

Based on previous experience, doing the pre-work — the character biographies, page-by-page notes on the book I’m adapting, and the eight sequences — brings so much ease to the actual writing of the screenplay. Last time once the sequences were complete, I wrote the screenplay in eight days. I’m hoping I have the same juju for this project and that the Thanksgiving holiday will reign in this special treat. I can’t wait for the actors and crew to begin working on this project with me.

Oh, and one more note on my last post about combining two of the characters written as white males into an ethnic male instead. I almost fell into the trap of giving the character an ethnic name. I went as far as Googling top baby names for this racial group. Then I thought why do that? The point of this character is to show how much he does not want to be ethnic. Of course he would have “Americanized” his name as most would say. Even better in a global sense, why would he need an ethnic name in the first place? I think my actor would appreciate that as well.

More soon…



Nicole Franklin

Fiilmmaker. Storyteller. Read the book. Watch the films