Create your ERC-404 or DN-404 tokens in minutes with Nifby’s no code platform

Nifby NFT no code Solution
5 min readFeb 16, 2024


Welcome to next generation NFT projects! If you want to reach us out to discuss about this revolution or build your DN-404 or ERC-404 smart contracts seamlessly :

Happy reading !

The Battle for the Future NFT: DN404 vs. ERC404

Remember the wild west days of NFTs, when standards like ERC721 and ERC1155 reigned supreme? Well, buckle up, because a new sheriff is in town, and its name is DN404. This innovative standard promises to revolutionize the NFT landscape, but not without a showdown with its predecessor, ERC404.

The Seeds of Change:

It all started with ERC404 and Pandora, hoping to marry fungible and non-fungible tokens. While initially promising, it stumbled upon roadblocks: lack of official standardization, lack of gas optimisation, technical complexity, and potential security vulnerabilities.

Enter DN404, learning from these missteps and emerging as a sleeker, more secure contender.

This beauty is open source, available here and has been cooked by:


The 404 Advantages:

Those open-source beauties boasts features that leave 721 in the dust:

  • Increased Liquidity: Trade on both traditional NFT marketplaces and DEXs, unlocking greater accessibility for buyers and sellers. Other side of the coin is that projects has to provide a liquidity pool and launch a cryptocurrency in addition to a NFT collection. By being the first 404 launchpad, Nifby can help you to source your liquidity via a Liquidity Generation Event
  • Native Fractional Ownership: Own a portion of an NFT, making it more affordable and engaging for a wider audience. (BTW, DN stands for Divisible NFTs)
  • Dynamic Scarcity: NFTs become “living” assets, minted or burned based on trading activity and transfers between wallets, fostering dynamic rarity and excitement. Creators are able to ‘play’ with NFTs through controlled issuance and destruction.

Think of ERC404 as a prototype, a valuable first step. DN404 is the refined, polished version, the final product that takes the concept to the next level.

But is it a Knockout?

While DN404 shines brightly, the dust hasn’t settled. ERC404 still has its supporters, and only time will tell which standard emerges victorious.

Ready to Join the Revolution?

Nifby, the first DN404 and ERC404 no-code platform, empowers creators to mint their next-gen NFT project in minutes. Harness the power of fractionalized ownership, dynamic scarcity, and increased liquidity without breaking a sweat.

Don’t be a bystander — be a pioneer! Join Nifby on their mission to democratize 404 and write the future of NFTs.

It will include all the following features:

  1. Create your token and mirrored NFT collection
  2. Conduct a presale directly on our platform
  3. Manage your project from a dashboard page

Want to join our waitlist : Click here

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If you’re not familiar with how 404 contracts work, you can read the following section.

The Mechanics of new ERC-404 and DN-404 standards

Let’s try to explain concretely how it works :

Let’s say you have a ERC-20 token design with 10,000 tokens $BOB and 10,000 corresponding “mirrors” BOB in the form of 10,000 NFTs.

Ok. What happens when I buy a $BOB token on Uniswap?

Answer : it depends. Here’s a figure explaining for ERC-404 (working identically for DN-404)

So, if I buy 1 $BOB on Uniswap, I will convert some ETH to buy it and, in return, receive the 1 $BOB token plus 1 mirrored NFT. Like a gift.

The NFT you receive is generated automatically from a mint contract, thus randomly, and can be of any rarity. Everything we know with a regular NFT mint.

Note that if I buy only 0,7 $BOB, I won’t receive any NFT.

If I want to sell my 1 $BOB token, you also do it on Uniswap, and the NFT in your wallet is burnt. 🔥

But I can choose to sell my NFT on Opensea, and it will automatically send the token to the buyer. My choice.

But beauty is NFTs have rarity attached to them. So, if you want a rare item, you could choose either to trade in and out your $BOB on Uniswap, or transfer some tokens back and forth between your wallets…

Seems complicated ? Here’s an other and more complete figure.

An image is worth 21 000 000 words.

DN-404 or what we can call a semi-fungible token

Is it clearer ? We hope so !

So, join the 404 move easily: Nifby allows you to create and deploy your DN-404 contract in minutes

Nifby is the first ERC-404 & DN-404 multi-chain Launchpad

Nifby is working hard on the development of an end-to-end solution to create and deploy ERC-404 & DN-404 projects.

About Nifby

Nifby positions itself as a No-Code platform, enabling anyone to create and deploy NFT collections on various blockchains. With an intuitive interface and advanced features, Nifby is committed to democratizing access to NFTs, providing both creators and collectors with a simple and accessible solution to anchor their works in the blockchain. With this new DN-404 standard, Nifby is the first no code launchpad allowing projects to deploy in few clicks their ERC-404 or DN-404 Smart Contract or conduct a presale, as traditional IDOs.

Disclaimer :

The ERC-404 & DN-404 code are relatively new and has not been formally audited so you are using it at your own risk. Nifby is not liable for any exploits.



Nifby NFT no code Solution

No-code tools to create and deploy your NFT collection. Build your next generation NFT project with us with the latest Smart Contract standards