Integrated Health Program (IHP)
Integrated Health Program (IHP)

Reducing maternal and child morbidity and mortality in Bauchi, Kebbi, Ebonyi, and Sokoto states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT)

The five- to seven-year $225M United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Nigeria Integrated Health Program (IHP) increases the capacity of both public and private health systems to sustainably support quality primary healthcare services to reduce maternal and child morbidity and mortality. IHP works in Ebonyi, Bauchi, Kebbi, and Sokoto states, and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and supports health policies and systems at the federal level. IHP aims to increase quality of and improve access to primary health care services and strengthen the health systems supporting those services.

IHP prioritizes early and rapid scale-up of proven high-impact RMNCH+NM interventions, while co-investing with states and private entities to progressively strengthen health system capacity to build on and sustain interventions beyond the life of project.


IHP improves integrated primary healthcare and quality services through on-site clinical and non-clinical training and mentoring, application of quality improvement approaches, peer-to-peer learning, digital health solutions, innovative service delivery models, private sector engagement, two-way referral systems and emergency transportation, facility renovations, and data quality and use.

IHP provides tailored interventions based on the unique local context, needs of each state, and the government’s commitments. IHP is building the clinical and management competencies of primary healthcare workers, supervisors, and program managers in:

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Integrated Health Program (IHP)

Integrated Health Program (IHP)

A USAID partnership with the Gov’t of Nigeria improving primary healthcare services and quality of life in Bauchi, Ebonyi, FCT, Kebbi, & Sokoto