8 Popular Youth Problems And Their Solutions

Nikhil Shrivastava
5 min readAug 11, 2017


I was quite alone when I faced similar problems, I don’t want you to be.

Someone said that the days spent at adulthood are the most precious of all and also your future is pre-decided by your first struggle at this time. People who’ve been through their twenties would second the fact that the very first priority in our lives is to shape a promising career with a rewarding life ahead. However, many people go through lots of ups and downs in this phase of life. Some people pre-decide on their career, and some go through days of struggle and confusion. Getting on the right path sets you on a track of success and with uplifted hopes and aspirations. For many people, this initial phase may create a lot of troubles and misery resulting in negativity and hopelessness.

To overcome such teenage problems the best possible way is, of course, search and kill operation, i.e. finding out key issues and fixing them. As a teenager or a young adult, the best way to overcome career and personality related issues is to spare out a significant time and work on areas where you’re lagging behind or just fixing important parts of your life.

There are a whole lot of problems that are faced by almost all teenagers and people in their mid-twenties. Here we’ve listed out a few issues and the best possible ways to fix them at the earliest. Individuals who’re troubled with their current life can look into it to fix things that are creating problems in the first place. We obviously know the fact that no one is in control of their life and teenage problems and other situations can revolve in a second, but the good first move would be to minimise any scope for a bad situation. Some common problems are:

  1. Managing Time and Expenses

There are a whole lot of situations in our life where we think money and time would be the ultimate thing we just need at the moment. However, only a few times we’re able to realise the actual amount to meet our requirements. Be it paying bills, getting food and grocery, transportation and other expenses. It’s always not possible to work on a tight budget, but you can surely try to minimise such situations while keeping a detailed eye on your miscellaneous expenditures (typically accounting for such circumstances) and following strict routines.

2. Balancing Life

There is so much going in the life of young India, and with more things coming up, people can quickly lose track of the things that matter the most. Perhaps this would be somewhat like a learning stage of life and would help you shape a good career ahead while maintaining the right balance between things. Setting up priorities is a must to ensure that you’re walking on a good career path. Just make sure that you’re not mixing stuff, which could raise issues. Individuals can find the right balance in life with the 100-minute science of working in the book Because you need this”.

3. Making the Right and Informed Decisions

Now you’re seeing this as a dreaded phase! Yes, it’s kind of true that career related decisions are among the biggest problems of youth as they can be confusing and also for some people they may be too quick to get down without any real info. So, if you want yourself to work with the right zeal with a positive side on work satisfaction, rather give it some real time while enjoying everything. Identify your positives and spend a little time on improving your negatives as well. You’re inevitably become the better person while discovering whole new opportunities tailored just for you.

4. Tackling with Distractions

Yes, it’s true, they keep coming time to time in the life of youth in India, and always turn you off while you’re feeling confident. Admit it that no one is in control of their life and it won’t be possible for you to get the upper hand on life. You’ve got to ensure that you’re working while setting priorities first and keeping away from unnecessary distractions in the first place. You might not be able to eliminate them, but at least you can minimise. If a relationship or any other habit is consuming most of your time, then know it and try to manage it at least among your priorities.

5. Getting the Right Advice

Another thing that confuses young India in the mid-twenties is the tips and suggestions from so many people around them. At times it can get whole lot confusing for people to make a wise choice. Thus, the initial step would be to spend a significant time while conducting research and following advice from wise people like elders, parents and close friends and sharing your thoughts with them. The decision is solely yours to make.

6. Following Schedules

In every young person’s life there comes a time when they’re not able to keep with the schedule if something goes wrong at a time. A single day at the club or outing can potentially take out another day as well. Keeping track of days can be the right measure to overcome such time. The simple formula to success is working on everything while following a tight schedule. Make sure to keep breaks at a minimum.

7. Understanding Situations & Acting on them -

It’s good to be present in the moment and having a good knowledge of what’s going around you. You’ll quickly come across a lot of info, and anything that appears quite good and works well in your favour must be your next move. Other things on your list can surely wait for the long run. Having knowledge in this significant area can change everything around you. In the book “Because you need this” you can find the rights and wrongs that come in our life and can make an appropriate decision for the same.

8. Unforeseen circumstances —

All problems of youth listed above are somehow linked to unforeseen circumstances, and you can’t avoid these. People in their twenties should know how to deal with such situations as these can take a whole lot of time from you. Know how to handle people and situations around you, and you’ll learn to deal with such happenings at the first place.

In Epitome

Life isn’t easy neither does circumstances, which creates many problems in our life. Often in young life, we deal with issues such as relationship, time management, career success and money making. Trying mentioned tips won’t only help you in managing your life well, but also gives you an advantage over people in your circle.

Author’s Bio

Hi, I am Nikhil, a left handed author based in New Delhi, India. I love writing interesting posts about youth problems, teenage issues and more. I have recently published my first book based on problems of young life. Get the book here- Because You Need This.

