Underwater Awakening

Nicole DeFelice
Mar 15, 2022


Photo by Naja Bertolt Jensen on Unsplash

Serenity beneath

the surface.

A sacred space beholds

a certain quiet —

calm, ambience,

effortlessly engulfing.

Treasure for those

seeking — the willing

are weightless, painless,

embraced in flow.

An infinite elixir,

drunken in-existence

uniting existence in

fluid alchemy.

A muted migration, the

pressure lifts, my

held breath stills,

my senses


A haven, sought

but often never

known by a

forced tide; drift.

- Under Water Awakening



Nicole DeFelice

Writer/Poet — Certified Personal Trainer, Animal Flow Instructor, dog/beardie/plant mama, & ocean lover with a BA in Communication.