Day 2 : Aryan/Vedic period (1500 BC)

Nikki Kumari
4 min readJun 6, 2018



Who were Aryans?

The word Aryan means noble or /valuable person in Sanskrit. Aryan has been used in Ramayana and Rigveda

Regveda : प्रार्थना आर्य ज्योतिराग्रा (children of arya led by light).

Ramayana : आर्य सरवा समस्कावा सदाव प्रियदर्शन। (Arya, who worked for the equality of all and was dear to everyone.)

We know about Aryans in India via various vedic text. Aryans used to live in tribes and spoke Indo-European language. The home of Aryans is speculated to be central Asia and Eurasia( combined continental landmass of Europe and Asia). Historian have given several theories about origin place of Aryans but theory give by Max Muller “Central Asia theory” is the most accepted one. He studied veda and converedt into German language. According to him Aryans from Central Asia divided into 2 parts. Aryans in India developed Sanskrit and Aryans in Europe developed all other language. He proposed that when envoronment changed, One branch of Aryans people move to west and settled in Europe and other moved towards east and settled in India.They entered in India through Khyber pass (in the Hindukush Mountain) around 1500 BC. The holy book “Zend Avesta” indicate invasion of Aryan from Iran, all through its controversial from where aryan came to India.

Group which moved toward India entered in India through Khyber pass (in the Hindukush Mountain) around 1500 BC. The holy book “Zend Avesta” indicate invasion of Aryans from Iran, all through its controversial from where Aryans came to India.

Aryans settled to ‘Saptasindhu’ (also known as “Land of seven river”). Aryans named the seven rivers as:

Vitsata — River Jhelum

Suvastu — River Swath

Askini — River Chenab

Purishni — River Ravi

Suturdi — River Satluj

Vypas — River Beas

Drishavadi — River Rakshi

Socio-Economic Growth

Six prominent tribes at that time are:

  1. Bharathas (most powerful tribe)
  2. Anus
  3. Purus
  4. Thugvasas (Punchjana tribe)
  5. Yada
  6. Druhyas

Wars took place between Aryans themselves and between Aryans and non-Aryans peoples

Ten King : It was a battle between the Puru Vedic Aryans who were tribal kingdoms of the Bharatas , allied with other tribes of the north west India, They were guided by the royal sage Vishvamitra, and the Puru king Sudas, who defeats other Vedic tribes. The battle Bharat vs 10 king (5 Aryans and 5 non-Aryans) fought on river bank of Purushi.

Aryans were divided among various Socio and economic groups.

These tribes were organized under different administrative groups :

  • Grama (Village) was headed by Gramani
  • Group of Grama (vis) was headed by vishyapati
  • Group of vis (Gana/Jana) was headed by Ganapati
  • Rajan was most qualified among them and also was a Gopa (protector) Rajan collected two type of tax from gana:
  1. Bhaga : Compulsory tax
  2. Bali : voluntarily given tax
  • Rajan was selected by a samiti : Samiti consisted of both women and men

On basis of complex there was two type of division

  1. Aryans : Shwetavarna (fair-skinned Aryan)
  2. Non-Aryan : (Krishnavarna) (black-skinned non Aryan)

Varna system first introduce amongest Aryan

  1. Brahmin
  2. Kashriya
  3. Vaishyas

Shudras , the lowest system were without varna. Even lower were ‘dasa’ or ‘slave’ who were mostly Non-Aryans. Varna were changed on the basis of occupation. Inter varna marriage and dining were permitted. Rig Veda (Purushasukta) the source of varna system indicates that 4 varna are associated with 4 body part of bhraman.


Cattle population played a major role in Economy. Cultivation like Vrihti(Rice), Godhuma(wheat), Yava(Barley) was done. Nishika(Gold) and Satmana(Silver) were used as a medium of trascation.


Religion during Vedic period is Monotheistic . i.e believe in supreme power is one. Rig Veda divide entire universe into 3 spheres:

  1. Celestial : Sky above skies
  2. Aerial : Above the surface of Earth
  3. Terrestrail : On the surface of Earth.

There were many gods also famous at that time :

  1. Indra (most importat God (Celestial) also kown as Puradhara one who destroy forts) ,
  2. Varuna (God of morality, ethics )
  3. Agni (second most important god was terrestrail God.)


  1. Rajan was selected by samiti on basis of votes
  2. Women can also part of samiti.
  3. varna system not basis of inheritance, but based on occupation
  4. Widow remarriage were done , no child marriage, marriage age was16 or 17, no dowry, no sati system.
  5. Vedic people are living in tribe , so not fought for territory but they fought for cattle.


  1. 1500 BCE : The Aryans — nomadic northerners from central Asia, begin to migrate into the Indus Valley.
  2. 1000 BCE : The Aryans expand into the Ganges valley in India.
  3. 700 BCE : Indian scholars codify and reinterpret Aryan beliefs to create the Upanishads texts forming the basis of Hinduism.
  4. 700 BCE : India is divided into 16 Aryan states or kingdoms.

