Product Management Resources

The Good Stuff

Nilo Paredes
3 min readJan 4, 2022


Books I’ve read:

The Innovator’s Dilemma — Clayton Christensen

This is the book that highlights the challenges on why innovation is hard within a corporation. Not impossible. Just hard.

Spanish version: Dilema De Los Innovadores, El: Cuando las nuevas tecnologías pueden hacer fracasar a las grandes empresas (Futuro)

The Lean Startup — Eric Ries

This particular book and it’s method has sparked lots of discussion. Still after reading this book, how can you with a straight face ask for $1M to test a simple idea?

Spanish version: El método Lean Startup: Cómo crear empresas de éxito utilizando la innovación continua

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future — By Peter Thiel, Blake Masters

If you are building the next Google, Facebook, you’ve already failed. Read this book to understand why.

Spanish version:De cero a uno: Cómo inventar el futuro (MANAGEMENT)

The Mom Test — By Rob Fitzpatrick

Rob does an excellent job of just giving you the stuff you need to understand customer/user pain points. No fluff.

Spanish version: El Mom Test: Cómo mantener conversaciones con tus clientes y validar tu idea de negocio cuando todos te mienten.

Book I want to read:

Obviously Awesome: How to Nail Product Positioning so Customers Get It, Buy It, Love It — April Dunford

So I have an awesome product… but how I get in front of users? This book seems to more focused on tech products that “Positioning ” by Al Ries.

The Lean Product Playbook: How to Innovate with Minimum Viable Products and Rapid Customer Feedback — Dan Olsen

Similar to “Inspired,” I am looking for additional insight into the mythical MVP. :)

User Story Mapping: Discover the Whole Story, Build the Right Product — Jeff Patton, Peter Economy

I am hoping this book refreshes my thinking on how user stories should be used and most critically not used.

Inspired: How To Create Products Customers Love — Marty Cagan

Just answering this question is useful enough for me: “How do you identify the minimal possible product that will be successful?”

Cracking the PM Interview: How to Land a Product Manager Job in Technology — Gayle Laakmann McDowell

Whilst I am not looking for a job, this book will give me insight into how tech companies view the product management function. Gayle also describes how the product management job.

Twitter for Product Management Aficionados:

John CutlerI like the beautiful mess of product development. Product Evangelist/Coach

StratecheryStratechery provides analysis of the strategy and business side of technology and media, and the impact of technology on society.

Katie DillHead of Design @ Stripe. Advisor @ GV. Board Director @ Benetech. Previously Head of Design @ Lyft; Director of Design @ Airbnb. Mom. Wife. Aspiring pilot.

Marty Cagan -I’m a founder and partner at Silicon Valley Product Group, former product leader at eBay, Netscape and HP. Author of INSPIRED and EMPOWERED.

ReforgeThe leading career development membership for tech leaders. We provide cohort-based programs across product, growth, engineering, and marketing.

Michael Seibel Partner at YC and Managing Director of YC Early Stage @ycombinator

Shreyas Doshistartup advisor. built products at Stripe, Twitter, Google, Yahoo. tweets about product, strategy, org psych, leadership, life — useful for some, not for everyone

First RoundFirst round, first hires, first product, first customers — we’ve helped NotionHQ, Roblox, Uber, , and 300 others tackle these firsts and more.

Andrew Chena16z. author, The Cold Start Problem

Courses that I would consider taking:

Reforge: Product Management FoundationReddit Review

General Assembly Online Product Management CourseReddit Review

Pragmatic InstituteFoundations — Reddit Review


The Product Folks



Nilo Paredes

Innovator. Thinker. Hustler. (These opinions;thoughts are all mine, they do not represent any one else.)