DeFi Spring Just Got Better — Earn STRK with Nimbora x Liquity

2 min readMar 13, 2024

Nimbora is excited to unveil our next step in this journey: the introduction of incentivized pools. This incentive is a part of the Starknet Foundation’s DeFi Spring initiative. This groundbreaking initiative, developed with OpenBlock Labs, aims to enrich the DeFi ecosystem by distributing 40 million STRK tokens.

In case you missed it, check out our announcement on joining the Starknet DeFi Spring initiative. We’re thrilled to progress further into this initiative with the launch of incentivized pools, bringing even more value and opportunities to our community.

Here’s What You Need to Know 👇

STRK Incentives on Liquity Pool: Nimbora’s spotlight in this initiative is on the Liquity pool. Liquity is known for its innovative interest-free borrowing on Ethereum, having issued over $4.5 billion in loans. Our platform provides a unique opportunity for users to engage with this protocol at a fraction of the usual cost.

Interact with the Liquity pool here:

Claiming and Earning STRK: Liquity incentivized pools offer 44.57% APR, earning you STRK tokens that will be distributed every two weeks.

Zero gas fees

Left throve offers ZERO L1 gas fees, allowing you to seamlessly borrow for under $0.025 per transaction.

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About Nimbora

Nimbora is a Starknet-based cross-chain yield strategy platform that enables users to engage with Layer 1 protocols at a fraction of the cost. Discover the best of Ethereum protocols and optimize your DeFi strategies with Nimbora.

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