Weekly NIM Airdrops for All Nimipets

2 min readJun 7, 2018


Nimipet team has decided that 50% of all NIM from dead nimipets will go back to the community and the other 50% will go to the Nimipet fund and will be used for development, charity or other purposes.

50% NIM back to the community means free NIM for all nimipets that are alive. Starting from now, free NIM for living nimipets will be airdropped at the end of every week.

The older is the nimipet, the more free NIM it will get. The oldest nimipet will get 3x, and the youngest will get 1x. All others will get amounts that are in between 3x and 1x.

For example, at the time of writing this article, there are 2380 NIM from dead nimipets available. We divide them 50/50 and get 1190 NIM for the community.

Currently, there are 169 living nimipets. According to the formula, the oldest nimipet will get 10.567 NIM (3x), the youngest will get 3.522 NIM (1x), and for example, the 45th oldest will get 8.722 NIM (2.47x).

To receive free NIM, nimipet needs to be at least 3 days old.

That’s the first incentive to keep your nimipet alive for as long as possible because the older is your nimipet, the more free NIM you will get.

Another incentive that is in the plans is to give nimipet one free “Resurrection” item at the end of every month. Resurrection can be used on a dead nimipet. After the Resurrection is used, nimipet will become alive and regain all lost points and all NIM. Resurrections can be used on your personal nimipet, or they can be sold in the nimipet marketplace.

While Resurrections are still in development, the free NIM distribution code is already in place. At the end of this week, users will receive the first airdrop of free NIM.

Good luck everyone. Enjoy playing and take care of your nimipets.

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