I am a Matriot

Erin Ningen
1 min readFeb 2, 2017


I believe in equality. The value of a person cannot be measured by their gender, their faith, the contents of their wallet or the color of their skin. I believe in fairness. Resources should be shared, laws apply to everyone affording equal opportunity, protection and punishment. I believe in compassion. In the end, love is all that matters and love demands action in the face of suffering. I believe in diversity. Individuals should be shielded from the tyranny of the majority. Codifying popular opinion promotes fear, fosters mediocracy and stifles innovation. I believe in education. Its our best hope for understanding, good citizenship and innovation. I believe that capitalist entrepreneurship stimulates progress. But, a business license should not excuse bad citizenship, neither should it entitle unregulated greed. I believe that truth is truth, right is right and no amount of might can change that fact. I believe the title “patriot” has been has been mis-appropriated by right wing group hate groups. It has become a symbol for those who profess to love America, but preach hate for people who live here. (I call them “hate-riots”) I love my country. I believe in the American people. I am an American Matriot and we are rising.



Erin Ningen

Photographer, inventor, agitator, proud matriot who collects jars of marbles.