How do Non profit organization helping the poor people?

4 min readApr 5, 2022


Why is there a need to offer charity for poor?

charity for poor

In our day to day life, we do come across different people suffering from poverty; they do not have right food to eat, clothes to wear and good thoughts to continue and make a better life. Population in India has already crossed several billions and over 364 millions of people are struggling for two squares of meals as per UN records. They do not get enough money to send their students to schools. As there are a lot of better opportunities for the poor people for development in India, the government is not able to facilitate the requirement for mental, physical, and financial growth of the people. On the contrary, we observe how India is progressing economically and also producing skilled workforce, yet there is no attention. Yet the overpopulation is not able to balance completely in the economy and India is termed to be a poor country because of the high percentage of poor people in comparison to European, middle east countries and USA. A non government organization offers charity for poor.

In India, there are several NGOs that are supporting poor people in extraordinary and unconditional ways. In fact, the volunteers of the NGOs are working hard free of cost to help the poor to come out of the vicious circle of poverty by developing their conscience with nutritious food, clothing and holistic approach.

Which NGOs are involved in offering charity for poor or participating in removing global poverty?

The significant Non profit organizations who are fighting for the eradication of global poverty are Innovation for Poverty Action. Oxfam and Give Directly. They have unique, holistic and direct impact to uplift the families. In fact, the list of NGOs serving charity for poor is going in several thousands. But we need to discuss about just few of them and these are:

1)Innovation for Poverty Action : This Non profit Organization engages leaders and research analysts to structure, calculate and offer quite effective solutions to control poverty. Their approach is proof based and practical and that is making the lives of the people better. This NGO has taken initiative in offering 550 solutions and 200 of them are in the process.

2) Oxfam International : This charitable institution is involved in serving the people stuck up in any natural disaster or emergency problems. The volunteers are tackling the issues of less opportunities, poor facilities and poor education.

3) Give Directly Inc : The non profitable organization is helping the poor to get self employed and in the upliftment of handlooms and cottage industries.

4) Care International : Care International NGO is responsible for the upliftment of the poor children and oppressed section of the society. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, struggling against the poverty related issues with specific problem solving tools and immediate food supplies.

5) The Global Red Cross Network : Followed with poverty, starvation, illiteracy and unemployment, poor people in any corner are subjected to all kinds of social injustice and inequality. The Global Red Cross Network is helping in maintaining clarity and result oriented approach

6) United Nations Children’s Fund : This organization helps in the upliftment of the children who are below the poverty line. The volunteers of the NGO are helping the children to get proper education and health care facilities. They are encouraging the children to enjoy childhood who actually do not have a healthy environment in their houses because of poor economic conditions.

7) World Vision : World Vision Non profit organization encourages privileged children to uplift the poor section of the society or offer charity for poor children. Volunteers of World Vision believes in sharing and imparts the knowledge of sharing to the socially and financially advantaged people.

Summary : Poor people are not getting enough to live a healthy life. Population of poor people is going beyond control all over the world and especially in India. The non government organizations are attending to the needs of the poor in India and also on the global level by offering food, education and encouraging the privileged people to sponsor any poor.




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