Nirvana Gilbert
3 min readJan 14, 2017


Medium has my blessings (and perhaps the blessings of a fair amount of people) to do as it well wishes. Medium, of course, doesn’t need my approval. By the same token, we — the makers of what Medium has become — can do as we please (stay or go, indeed very much up to us). The reason behind my reasoning, pardon the redundancy, is mighty simple. This is to say that …

Everybody and everything is replaceable!

Before you (whoever you and you and you happen to be) get all worked up about the supplantation of things and individuals, do know and vocally acknowledge that substituting folks and things goes on every single day around the world.

The most vivid example for the purpose of this quasi comment of mine is what Ev Williams said …

Saying goodbye to many talented people.

Let’s place emphasis on many talented people.

  • How many? Many!
  • Who? People!
  • What kind of people? Talented!
  • What happened to those many talented people? Medium buried them, and them gave them a proper funeral.

Let’s play John Lennon’s Imagine backwards (just for some truth/fun).

Dear Medium Users (and abusers):

Today we gather here to say goodbye to some talented Medium’s employees. They were all great, indeed awesome. They, however, weren’t extraordinarily awesome, and that’s the real reason for which we decided to let them go. We needed the money and the space (even the virtual space) they were taking. It’s that simple.

That’s Imagine played backwards! That’s filling the blanks of the true meaning behind many talented people. Yes, we know the feeling, what’s a funeral without tears⁉️ It, for sure, is in poor taste to talk about letting go without a set of precious tears to juice the moment, and to do it in a very public way.

Because people die everyday, and with it comes our shock with something like — OMG!

In this end of the world matter of our beloved Medium’s financial “constraints” — I’m of the very humble opinion that there’s always a way out. In this case, like in most cases, it’s hiding in plain sight — Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal.

Of course, some folks are going to get a bit hung up in some of the small details described by Mr. Swift in his so very loving proposal.

Bottom line, we (or is it just me?) want Medium to do as it very well pleases. Medium is as replaceable as the talented people who are no longer part of its paycheck family. Those smart individuals (hopefully) have moved on. Let’s thank the Universe for little favors because c’est la vie, mon amour❣️

Last thought — for now!

Just a tiny request to Medium, whether by thought or by accident, do consider doing the right thing! There are plenty of human beings using Medium from countries where they earn less than $2.00 per day. Medium has become one of their daily brain-supplement. It has enriched their lives, and consequently it has enriched ours with the phenomenal things those genuine people publish on Medium.

This is a big world! Surely everything isn’t about money! Surely we can come up with ways of funding useful entities without selling our souls, right? Right!‼️

Medium do get to work on that one! Do not come out until you figure that one out!

Thank you hon’! 🙏🏽

P.S. Yes, those of us earning more than $2.00 p/d could help out!🤑



Nirvana Gilbert

Into Internal & Mixed Martial Arts. Into art, writing, photography, languages. Zéro BS! « C’est le bordel mais il n’y a pas de problème. » A. Jollien.