My favourite cartoon character: Mr.Bean!!!

2 min readMay 24, 2020


Finding a role model for your life? Smart, attractive, innovative and weird. Nah not it’s not Mr.Grey. It’s a Mr.Bean.The only man who starts out by falling from heaven. Mr.Bean is quite the man you can learn from. Mr Bean is known for his silly antics and ability to cheer people up through his humour. He taught us that sometimes, enjoying the little things in life is key to staying happy and that we have the ability to take control and make the most of our lives.

Through the years, both the original and animated Mr Bean series not only entertained us with its quick-witted scenes each episode but also defined our childhood and taught us these meaningful lessons in life:


Mr.Bean is happy.Always.He finds happiness in the things he’s got unlike other people who attach happiness with their materialistic things like “I’ll be happy when I….” Happiness is like a really big cake. It's sweet but you can’t have it all. You gotta share.” Learn to find happiness with yourself because in your darkest times even your Shadow disappears.

2. Friendships sometimes come in the unlikeliest forms

Teddy is a dark brown teddy bear with button eyes and sausage-shaped limbs. Throughout the whole series, Teddy ends up being broken in half or in various other states of destruction and disfiguration. Despite being an inanimate object, Teddy is regarded as Mr Bean’s lifelong best friend. Mr Bean and Teddy’s relationship proves to us that even the oddest pair sometimes create the strongest bond and friendships sometimes come in the unlikeliest forms. Though teddy is not a real character his role in Bean’s life is one of the purest friendship.

3. No comparison.

Ah, the secret to the first point. Comparing yourselves to others will only take your eyes off your own blessings. Lifes’s too short for that. Remember that one time where Mr.bean was at the was waiting for the traffic light to be green and a guy with an expensive car comes by Mr.Bean, instead of alluring the car, gets all ready to race it. He’s got the guts. All of our parents compare us with other friends or toppers it is usual in our families, but we need to learn that we comparing doesn't solve any problems nor do they lift us high.

There are many other meaningful lessons that one can learn from Mr.Bean. The moral that I learned from this series is: Be yourself -We don't have to be like others, be unique and be a role model to others. Don't worry what others will tell on how you behave.

