When I Met Poetry for the first ever time

Aug 24, 2023


Poetry is the last medicine for bleeding souls.
And it heals you like a magic potion.

First time I had a taste of,
what masqueraded as love,
First time my heart,
shattered to billion pieces
First time I learnt about
the bittersweet reality called life,
That’s when I first encountered poetry.

And when I met poetry,
She came like a soothing quilt in freezing winter,
A long awaited shade in a beautiful summer.
And like the last leaf of autumn.

She came when I least expected her.

And she stayed,
like true love.
Like a shoulder I can lean upon,
Arms I could embrace,
And a soul I could merge into.

And everytime I wrote,
She didn’t give me smile…
She gave me LIFE!!!!!!








Nivedhitha is a writer by passion, she’s also a content writer for TravelTear, SlashSquare, Causticnews & actively pens in her IG page @poet.without.a.pen