You Happened To Me | Poetry

Sep 20, 2023


Credit: Pinterest

When I was trapped in tough traumas
And stitched to painful memories,
You entered my life.

You came into my life,
When darkness was gonna engulf me
When I was almost gonna give up.

When my eyes stopped looking up,
And my heart stopped feeling it all.
You came.

And you didn’t enter with grand gestures You just came.
You showed up.

And there it was.
Such an eye-blinding light
piercing my eyes
Like never before

And when people asked,
What happened to me?
I told them -
You did.

A Snippet from my Art Journal




Nivedhitha is a writer by passion, she’s also a content writer for TravelTear, SlashSquare, Causticnews & actively pens in her IG page @poet.without.a.pen