8 Success Quotes You must read today to Boost Your Confidence and Experience

4 min readApr 30, 2020


I learn how not to do it and, as a result, I learn how to do it

It is more important to know how not to do that work than how anyone should do it . There is a very deep secret , after knowing that we will not make a mistake in completing any task . Every task has its own way , we just have to recognize that .

One of the finest rule of life: Do your best but prepare for the worst

Under any circumstances, the responsibility entrusted to us should be done with full intention. The wonderful rule of life is that we do not wish for 100 percent reward in doing any work, only we have to do our karma, the outcome is in the hands of God. If God wishes, we will get a 100 % reward for our work.

Like success, failure is also an experience. Sucess gives us joy and failure gives us learning

One should never be afraid of defeat and there is nothing to be worried about. Victory and defeat are two sides of a coin. The way victory brings us peace and boosts our self-confidence, in the same way, defeat teaches us new things and provides an opportunity to introspect.

How hard the sun may be, evening comes every day. Be optimistic

Life is another name for struggle. How many sorrows come in our life, one-day happiness is attained. Small puzzles of life, happiness, and sorrow that are impossible for humans to understand. We must accept that happiness and sorrow complement each other. Be optimistic

Optimistic is a wonderful synonym for health and happiness

One of the few reasons to be happy is to be optimistic . If we give priority to being optimistic in our life then it is peace and life in our mind communicates happiness. An optimist would find hope in despair. He keeps supporting himself in the most difficult situations and continues to work to get out of difficulty.

Dream small dreams. Get them, live them with joy

We should make small goals to achieve something big in life. We take big steps with small steps, similarly, our small dreams can see a big dream succeed successfully. Remember, a small step lies in the foundation of the big step.

Make small goals and get them, it gives you the confidence to go on to higher goals

A small child does not learn to run suddenly. First, he learns to walk on his knees and then falls down with a zigzag step, stops, and then after several attempts start running with his self-strength. In the same way, we make small goals in our life too, achieve them and keep moving towards our big goal. This is the basic principle of life.

There are no accidents, everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose

Friends, there is nothing sudden in our life, everything is happening by the will of God or not every karma is already valid every sentence. Whatever is happening in our life, there is definitely some relation to our future. The kind of environment in which we meet people is predetermined. Trust any god and leave everything to them because all this is happening by the will of God.

Originally published at https://justoye.com on April 30, 2020.

